It's a stupid account, but I just want to see what it's worth.
Been botted 100%, has prospector helm + 150k in bank. No membership; waterfall quest, druidic ritual, cooks assistant, and rune mysteries done.
Lads let's start a merching clan right here...
Guam tar, current price like 2gp but i expect it to rise to 200000000000000gp so buy it all at around 5gp :^)
(pls buy my guam tar)
I don't think Camera#toEntity accepts an RS2Object as a parameter (could be wrong).
Instead, use Entity for objects and NPC for NPCs:
Entity door = getObjects().closest(new Filter<Entity>() {
//match code
if (!door.isVisible()) {
if (!door.hasAction("Open")) {
log("Door is open");
return false;
Position p = door.getPosition();
//Conditional sleep -> check objects at position p, see if they have action "Close"
log("Door should be open");
return true;
The API states that #getItem() returns a type of item. The method you want is ItemContainer#getAmount(String ... items)
int amt = getInventory().getAmount("Jug of Water");
Facing camera to NPC: getCamera().toEntity(NPC);
Is your jug of water noted? inventory.getItem() returns the first found item, so you could be getting an unnoted one (hence getting 1), and none should very well be 0 as there are 0 jugs.
Here's what it looks like, (mostly) complete.
Progress bar is a WIP, and I also want to add a few more elements to the paint. This, however, will do.
I always personally leave my GUIs open so people can screenshot them for bug reports, but I believe you can set it to close the GUI without ending the script.
Within GUI (textbox as an example)
if (textBox.getText().isEmpty()) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must fill out this text box first!");
The return; will stop execution of the method. I personally have a boolean in my main class, guiWait, which I then set from true to false when the GUI has applied the settings. I do something like this:
GUI g = new GUI();
public static boolean guiWait = true;
onStart() {
while (guiWait) { sleep(400); }
//Button actionPerformed
if (conditionsMet) {
ArbitraryScriptClass.guiWait = false;
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must select a preset or define a monster first!");
Context: I go up to kids on gmod dark rp servers and tell them I will pay them vast quantities of money in exchange for them singing. To them, these pixels mean everything, so they do it. I also got this kid to rap Rap God, although you can hear my shitty laugh half way through it so I decided not to upload that.
You can use a tool called Proxifier to tunnel specific websites through a proxy (eg *81.runescape.* as a rule will enable your proxy for OSRS world 81)
As I wrote this class, I would recommend it. I do believe, however, that the default OSBot keyboard class is slow itself (which SmartKeyboard uses) - I'll see what I can do about speed later on, however I have other priorities as of late.