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Everything posted by khatchoow

  1. i dont have that stuff that why i will pay at the end extra for the supplys spent i can provide an account thats no problem...if you cannon my range if u can afford it i will pay extra
  2. Hey i just i need a new pure gmauler i need it to be dont right i dont know how i seem to always mess up . 50 attack 65 range 70 str and i want it the attack lvls to be quested and i want mith gloves climbing boots i will pay very good money and if u can cannon and make it member ill pay all your supplys take pictures of the supplys you buy and i will pay 1$ per million spent... pm for more i pay paypal money is not a problem name me a price but dont over do it ty
  3. hey i can runecraft for you 70-77 for 30 mil no bot  


  4. ill buy it 1mil for 1 $ once im done working if u still got them
  5. diamond 1 ATM ill soon be master season just started so gotta grind back up there. I can show you proof when im done working.
  6. ima diamond player i can carry you duo or play in your account for osrs we can discuss the price depending on how many games or divisions,pm me of intrested.
  7. 56 combat 50 att 74 str 1def 1 prayer 73 range 69hp 30 magic
  8. hey i have 2 acc 1 is a pure gmauler 50-att 74-str 71 rng CMB-56 and other is is 40 att 71 str 51 CMB make me an offer be reasonable lol.
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