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RS sales

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Everything posted by RS sales

  1. I am here to make sales. I know none of you know me what so ever, so i know there is no trust,rep and stuff like that. So for all my sales i will be going First . That's right, ill go first. I've been a RS dealer for around 3 years now, i have good customer support, understanding, i also have a lot of trust in people unlike many. So enough of that, lets get on with my Price! (I only sell, i don't buy!) RS07 GP - $2.00/M RS3 GP - $0.24/M Bonds - 950K Each. 500k Each if brought more than 10. As you can see, i have the best prices you'll see. This is down to my supplier who gives me fantastic discount as i buy in BULK! My work is skype based. So, to contact me add:
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