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Posts posted by CyberFish

  1. Ok for my first script i wanted to attempt a simple lumbridge fishing bot that would net shrimps and anchovies. At the start of the code i thought i better off define where my player is, because if he isn't at the swamp then hes not going to be able to interact with the Fishing spots. I identified two areas one was Lumbridge Castle and the other was the fishing spot and used this code as testing.

    public int onLoop() {
                    if (!LumbridgeSwamp.Area_1.contains(myPosition())) {
                            log("Not At Swamp");
                                    if (!LumbridgeCastle.Area.contains(myPosition())) {
                                            log("Not At Castle");
                                            //TELEPORT HOME
                                     else if (!LumbridgeSwamp.Area_1.contains(myPosition())) {
                                            log("Im at the Swamp");
                                            //begin fishing code here
                    return random(200, 800); // The amount of time in milliseconds before
                                                                            // the loop starts over

    Please can someone explain to me how areas are used, and also why he walks the path and then when he has arrived he keeps walking there when i would tell it to start fishing.




  2. Hi this is my firs time trying to use this bot, ive being an avid user of p****bots bot fpr several years on and off but when 07 rs was released it just wasnt up to par with what it used to be back in 2007 so i searched around and found your bot with better botting features such as the tabs and proxy support.


    Ok this is the problem: I lgoo into my account and press start bot i then select a script and press start. then the console gives me this error.

    [DEBUG][03/24 10:31:39 PM]: Loading script id : 563
    [DEBUG][03/24 10:31:41 PM]: Loaded script!
    [DEBUG][03/24 10:31:41 PM]: Launching script...
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/24 10:31:41 PM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers!
    [ERROR][03/24 10:31:42 PM]: Failed to start script [Dark Miner]
    	at org.osbot.t.<init>(gz:215)
    	at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.prepare(vk:76)
    	at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(vk:2)
    	at org.osbot.COm2.run(wi:260)
    	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
    	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][03/24 10:31:46 PM]: Breaking in 3 hours and 58 minutes for a total of 52 minutes

    My PC stats are:

    Java Version - Version 8 Update 40

    Flash Version - 17,0,0,134 installed

    OS - Windows 8.1

    OSbot Version - 2.3.56


    Any help would be seriously appreciated.




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