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Trade With Caution
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  1. Thats because i needed gold for the BGS....which he convinced me i needed... have a look at the skype convo, i literally didnt know what a bgs is....
  2. BishopBot

    OSBot Proxy

    the main benefit is the fact the bot will run on its own IP, therefor running a farm or whatever, if one should actually get caught, you would only lose that 1 account, not get chainbanned because they won't be able to link the other accounts to that one, also if you have had a few perm bans on your home IP it might be flagged therefor using a proxy would make it much more succesfull for you do not use a free proxy, will get u banned real fast
  3. just get me my account back, and the gear, all have been proven in OP, they can see you recovered it twice, claiming you don't have it or you cannot recover it now, just a few days later, is just a lie
  4. i don't have the account, and all the wealth is proven in OP, i paid HIM to gear it, then he made me buy off bogla to gear it more before taking it a second time. its all there.
  5. lol i got sold a used proxy and didn't even accept the refund, and you claim that im trying to get refunds for everything i do here.. god damn lol
  6. this is the first dispute i have made, and what are saying is completely beside the point, i lost $150+ easily with this, start trying to resolve it rather then rambling
  7. i never claimed to have 65m mate, i said you charged me $65 for the account and $25 for the 7m to gear it... and then you convinced me to buy a bunch of shit so you could steal it... also any threats i gave you was "ME" coming to get you, not some "user", they are all there in the skype convo anyway, if you are going to steal money off random people be prepared to cop some threats lol...
  8. There was no original thread, i was talking to him in chat, he was helping me get 2 characters prepared for barrows, was real nice, and when they both got banned, after losing so many accounts, i told him i was going to give up on it all, and was devastated, and he picked me back up and was like " no no i got you mate, i got a perfect starter barrows acc i dun use etc..." knowing full well how much money and time i was willing to invest as we had been speaking for days, he was just out to get me... he knew i was desperate by that stage ill grab some pic's of the account not in my possession... ill try both the passwords he gave me, also ii don't have SS of the bandos i bought, i was just suicide botting him as instructed, he made out like if i suicided him id make a $200 return on a $90 investment in a week.... i now know thats just because he wanted me to make as much as possible so he could gain alot more. I do have the skype chat of him telling me to get it cos i was struggling, then me asking him to buy gold off him so i could, and he gave me bogla's site, which i then did order from there, so i maybe they have evidence i can get of that order? i ordered right after he told me too.... Me trying to login to the account with the original password (Staff) Me trying with the second one, which i was given after he recovered the first time, and yes he stated it was hes account, he was just having trouble getting into the email as it was so old, but assured me he would have had it sorted. (Staff)
  9. just after gebotter got banned on here for threatening pain, he recovered my account, for the second time.... didn't mind as he was already banned and i had found his other account trying to evade ban and got that banned aswel, so i figured there was NO chance of him repaying me, thus no reason to post this, but now his back, and i can't have that. http://prntscr.com/6zrx50 this is the first time he recovered... few threats iis all it took to get it back, but now i realise thats because i had not much on the account, after he gave it back he encouraged me to buy bandos godsword and other stuff which i did, to suicide bot which i did, the account had 10m+ since he first recovered.... http://prntscr.com/6zry2m http://prntscr.com/6zrycr http://prntscr.com/6zrygl http://prntscr.com/6zryty http://prntscr.com/6zryyj http://prntscr.com/6zrz3m http://prntscr.com/6zrz7g here u can see him trying to find out wether i have had any success since the first time he recovered it, trying to figure out the best time to do it again... http://prntscr.com/6zrz7g now coming up is where he convinced me to buy really expensive itiems.. obvviously cos he wanted them when he recovered it http://prntscr.com/6zrzki http://prntscr.com/6zrzoi http://prntscr.com/6zrzrq http://prntscr.com/6zrzug http://prntscr.com/6zrzxk http://prntscr.com/6zs01x thats all of them, there is a part before he sends me the account info telling me he can't change the pass to what i want because he didn't know the original email, he was trying to figure it out, but said he dosen't use the account and wouldn't log into while i had it untill he figured out how to change the pass.... but he was able to recover (changing pass) both times very easy....this must be in osbot chat history as i cannot find it on skype... god the lies that came out of his mouth is insane.... anyways he charged $65 for the account, then he charged me like $25 for 7m gold i needed for gear for barrows, then he got me to spend a shitload on the account during the days he was acting like my friend.. not only not i got the account fromm 70-76 attack from 72-77 magic, etc....
  10. no he can't because this topic should already be locked..
  11. yo can i buy this yet? i got no accounts bruzzzz, missing playing 34m paypal buy it now !
  12. i lost 33 accounts in 3-4 days, using proxies, premium VPN, all the goodies, wanted to completely give up, now i have spent some time doing it, bans are rare, and very maintainable, hope to see you back
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