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  1. yeah.... so lame. if you are always going to get banned. whats the point? You will never be able to use the account again after that happens. They ban so much I don't understand how people avoid it
  2. If there is risk in botting after 2 hours everytime what is the point? If there is risk in botting after 2 hours everytime what is the point? and is there a list of low risk areas and is there a list of low risk areas
  3. So does anyone have any suggestions? what has lower ban rates? anything i could do differently? And should i even invest in members again
  4. So that's the answer? Just bad luck? If thats the case then some people just get lucky beyond recognition. Ive seen posts of people going months 24/7 with no bans. And now I am down 250k(My friend gave me lobsters and full rune), 8 dollars, and 2 days playing a lot down the tubes. And my ip is probably flagged now. Just for a few hill giants? I am worried about what would happen if I were to bot and make a bunch of money. Jagex would probably eat my first born baby. And it seems like anything worth botting is "high ban rate". So freaking lame. Any suggestions? On how to not get banned in the future or things with low ban rate. Should I even invest in members again
  5. Came back to runescape after not playing since about 2010. Proceeded to make a new account. I tried farming cows in free to play but it was a freaking mosh pit. Wayyyyyy too freaking crowded. So I purchased a subscription. Continued to farm cows. Then once I was done with cows I realized that I did not have near enough patience to legit level all the way up again. I went and did research as to which bots are safe and how to prevent bans. So I did the waterfall quest, then I botted for a few hours on hill giants. Then I did shield of arrav, then went and leveled range legit on chickens. Then I botted hill giants again except attack instead of strength. Then I did imp catcher, then I logged off. Then I wake up this morning, log on, and wala! I am perma banned for macroing-major with no chance of appeal. What gives? I only botted for a few hours at a time, I babysat and talked to people, I stopped and did quests, I leveled legitly, I took breaks very very often. And I freaking PAID for membership. I only botted for maybe 6 hours. And no I do not have a flagged IP this is the first time I have ever botted. What the hell happened? What did I do wrong?
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