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  1. Better yet 100+ gang on the mugger for capes
  2. I'm looking at the costs at running a bot farm to see what I'd need to expect minimum to break even. I'm thinking as far as power consumption costs, cost of proxy per account. I have a few computers I could run ~20 bots on for now. I'm thinking of a f2p throwaway farm. Scripts I'd write myself, auto mule and everything. What got me interested was this proxy service https://www.socks-proxy.net/buysocksproxy.html which offers an updating list of proxies. You could have a different proxy per throwaway account... I'd like to know if anyone has done the math to the specifics.
  3. I use it in one of my scripts and it doesn't logout. You only need to move your mouse over the client to stay logged in.
  4. I have something just move the mouse on or off the screen every 0-3 minutes. import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; @ScriptManifest(author = "apa", info = "Afks", logo = "", name = "AFK", version = 1.0) public class Main extends Script { public void onStart(){ } public int waitTime(int min, int max) { return (int)(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (mouse.isOnScreen()) { mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); } else { mouse.move((int)(100 + (Math.random() * 660)), (int)(100 + (Math.random() * 400))); } return waitTime(1000, 240000); //1 sec to 4 mins. } }
  5. I have an update but I'm running it privately for a bit to make some bonds. It was a problem with OSBuddy prices going down making all items 1gp. It now pulls item prices from official osrs page.
  6. If you're still looking, I may be interested. Don't have a rank, but I do have access to upload scripts (just haven't got time to release a CDN script yet). I have one released free script with fantastic feedback however; I also work in software and finished my degree a few months ago in Computer Science. Send me a pm or Skype @ 'aapalapa' if you wanna talk.
  7. That's the thing, I jump around too much to keep a scripter rank anywhere haha. I used to write a lot of bots for RSPS's, some of which made me enough to pay rent for a few months. I'm approved for the SDN, just need the time now ? Thanks! Maybe I'll take a look at fixing this and beg to have it on SDN against the rules so I can publish some more haha
  8. Don't know how I missed that haha
  9. Line 1: missing semicolon. Whenever you have a statement, it needs a semicolon. If placing a set of curly brackets after the statement doesn't work, you know it needs a semicolon. the other ones between '(){' is because you're missing spaces between the '()' and '{'. That's just styling "errors" to make your code look pretty. The long one; missing a bracket on the left side, right after the return. Last two lines, they are erroring because you have return true, else, return true. This always returns true, make the second one return false.
  10. I'd like to, but my time is too preoccupied to do it for free right now. I had to get rid of all my hobbies for a while to get this MMO done haha. I've had other people contact me about making one, I would do it for GP/$ and make it private or exclusive, or just raise a pool of cash/GP and I'll release it free for everyone. I hope you understand why I'm asking, I don't have a job, and my income right now is literally from random things like this... But, if you don't mind waiting a few months at least, I'm sure I'll be back to make some more hobby scripts.
  11. Haha, ask for tips and follow people around? Nah, I joined before the other apa, with this name haha. I just have been busy with other things that I haven't really been in the botting scene for a while. I'm glad it worked Damn I'm that's insane haha. Glad it worked well! I'll take a look at the bug, I think it was an old API for requesting from OSBot exchange. Yea the bounds aren't perfect in the GE, I kinda left it like that to be safe from going outside the walls. I could adjust it. Maybe I'mm make that my next release ? I'll take a look, you could try setting the value to 0 to pickup. I've been gone for a while, working on another project that will be rather interesting. I'm making an MMO somewhat similar to OSRS; but you control multiple characters, and a lot of the grinding can be botted with an in-game control system. So, I probably won't be working on any free scripts for a while, I just can't afford to. I may release a CDN script in some time for AIO f2p bot farms, but really only if there's enough interest, and it wouldn't be free unfortunately . I spend all day every day working on the MMO. An early release will hopefully be in a few weeks, but I put updates here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AdventurerSimulator/.
  12. Thanks so much, some things came up with school recently so I had to drop this for now, I'll take a look soon. I'm putting this on low priority for now.
  13. I was looking at that, I couldn't figure out the headers haha, it was 6am... What does yours include?
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