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  1. thank you very much ares! i really appreciate it! if my payment for some odd reason never got past pending id be more than happy to do it again
  2. yes its motherlode miner by ares, id love for a chance to use it haha
  3. ok, so it has been over 24 hours since the initial purchase of my script. How come this is the only one I have ever had trouble with?? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  4. ok its been about 6 hours now, and I still haven't gotten this script in my list. Any extra help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. thanks everyone, ill be on the lookout!
  6. Hey all, I have bought my 5th script (ithink) and for some reason this one didn't instantly show up in the script log. Is there a reason why motherlode mining script is the only one to not come through right away? thank you for all the help
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