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  1. Bot works in stealth mode but not mirror mode. Im a vip so I have mirror mode unlocked, but cant get it to work. Its saying something on the lines of having problems finding the client. After about 15 seconds it closes the bot client. Please help me. Is there something I forgot to do or something else I need to download to get mirror mode to work???
  2. Im also having this problem which sucks because I just bought a script to use and I cant even use it. If anyone has a fix to this please let me/us know.....
  3. every time I download the client it take it and saves it as a internet explore file. when I click on the file it causes this loop of saving and opening and saving and opening. I will leave a gyazo of whats going on. Any help with this would be awesome. I just bought vip and I want to bot lol. https://gyazo.com/edd2616849947ad8afbebc9c56118980. https://gyazo.com/933f7fa8e89a43b0a28226b92e9ad7fb Please help!!!!!!
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