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  1. Also getting this when getInventory() The method getInventory() from the type MethodProvider refers to the missing type Inventory Because I haven't imported inventory which I cannot import because I am missing the import. I just downloaded the latest osbot on the main page and added it to build path, this is completely random and retarded that I'm currently having this issue, or I'm just stupid.
  2. Thanks for the replies, As I was saying I can't import the Inventory, because I don't have it. I honest to god don't have an Inventory import. Yes I have OSBot applied to my buildpath, all the other imports work. (See Gyazo) http://gyazo.com/283bca326df3573d04a899ec6261585c Best regards, Peavalu
  3. How can everybody on this forum use: "getInventory", "inventory.isFull()". My OSBot just doesn't have a reference to inventory, what the fuck is an inventory eclipse asks me when I try to put any of the related code into my own script. Even the API http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Inventory.html says there should exist such a page. Well, the latest OSBot I've downloaded doesn't have such an import. Why and or what am I doing wrong? Such things don't exist for me. if(inventory.isFull()){ } if(getInventory().isEmpty()){ }
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