Listen carefully you insolent brat. You have the one and only based god in your avatar and you try to sully his name? I don't think so. I want you to carefully examine based gods videos and learn every god damn technique he has to cooking. If you do not I swear to god the only thing raining down will not be rain but these 360 no scope shots that will hit you every single time you piece of dehydrated turd, and when you're done you better thank based god like your life depended on it.
Sorry to hear buddy, but I will gladfully accept your position so I will be wait for me to be promoted to SDN manager. The deadline to this offer ends in under 24 hours.
It's not a rumor I have a double agent working for me in the Jagex industry and he informs me of what is going on. He told me a couple weeks ago that Monday's are ban days because everybody is grumpy on Mondays so they have to get their grumpiness some how, and what's better than catching bots.