All ranks (including designer) are welcomed to try my service. Since designers aren't in power though, I am willing to accept one thread layout for my thread for a trial of boosting one fake account and your main account.
I also need a moderator/supermoderator or any sort of administrator to prove my service and will be offering the same to them without an exchange of service (as they are proving people my thread is legit)
ALL ACCOUNTS ARE LEGIT, it's a paradox of likes that people use to gain credits to obtain likes on their pictures. I just skip the liking part and do your likes straight away.
Remember, add me on Skype, RS.Professional. ON RIGHT NOW.
Do not post your details on this thread. Add me for further steps.
Yes I will need your password, so if you don't trust me have a fake account ready I am still willing to boost a random picture that can not gain you advantage over my service to prove my authenticity.