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Posts posted by IamVortex

  1. 52 minutes ago, undorak7 said:

    Try with other clients to see if the bans persist? 

    I've only botted a 70-70-70 acc with APA sand crabs on OSBOT client so i dont know much about ban rates, but it seems you are doing something wrong.

    What scripts are you using specificaly? are you using breaks? how much botty do you look like? 

    I've made multiple lvl 3 99 fletching accounts that started botting the day they were created. So that thing of "cooling off accounts" is not accurate in my opinion, and hand playing them does NO difference at all.


  2. 2 minutes ago, bkg said:

    Stop using bad scripts with high user counts and don't bot agility/rc and you'll stop receiving bans. Botting isn't like it was years ago where you could bot 24/7 without a ban.

    i bot 2-3 hours a day and play legit for 2 as i only get 5 hours every few days to play due to work and the premium scripts i've been using are far from being bad. they're pretty flawless.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Dbuffed said:


    Although you are more than likely going to be caught on your original IP, the same way it works for RWT.

    well thats narrows it down, although my IP might be a contributing factor to me getting banned continuously i would've thought it was the scripts ive been using or the stats i've been training. I dont mind playing legit but there are some aids stats that have to be botted like agility.

  4. Just now, Juggles said:

    It's not IP. It's the scripts

    If thats the case then that does make me sad a little, i must own probably like 10-20 premium scripts and ive been banned using them all :D

    1 minute ago, Dbuffed said:

    Free VPN's are always highly flagged, i've tried that.

    So either buy VPN or just chance it (again) on my regular IP

  5. Just now, Dbuffed said:

    It could be very possible that your either -

    1) doing stuff to known to be botting.
    2) your IP is flagged.

    Chances are option 2.

    the stats ive been botting are (this is all on various accounts throughout 3 years)


    RC,fishing, agility, thieving, hunter, wc, cooking, fletching


    How long does an IP stay flagged? also is there anyway to get it unflagged or am i f**ked for the foreseeable future?

  6. So ive been playing osrs for about 3 years on/off and have different botting projects.. but i always end up being banned in the end for macro (ik i bot obvs) but i really dont know how they're catching me. ill bot on the account maybe 2-3 hours a day and then play legit for abit, when im playing legit i use the osbuddy client, i dont use vpn/proxys and i only ever use premium scripts. Most recently i got my account banned for botting hunter using projectpacts hunting script. i legit managed 10 hunter levels, logged off for the night and came back to a perma

    any ideas? it's got to the point now where ill make a fresh account and only bot the aids stats like agility/thieving. 

  7. HI - i have your agility script and it seems during the draynor rooftop agility course the bot till say the following - 


    Current step empty

    Last step crate (6)


    and sometimes it will just stand there and do nothing while showing the above.


    any solutions?


    EDIT - heres a picture to help



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  8. Nah it would tell you to update the client always anyway. 


    Hmm well I've heard reports that the new client advertise gif thing is very resource hungry so it could be that? I'll notify Mald and he'll tell the Devs smile.png

    Thanks. The lag wouldnt be a problem but it's causing my bot to missclick most things - sometimes making my player move away from agility courses/banks. I basically cant "afk" at the moment.


    EDIT: set the priority to "realtime" on the task manager in order to give more cpu to the bot - no change.

  9. Hmm well when I had extreme lag on his script once I posted on his thread and he fixed it on the next update, I'd suggest you do the same and try and state where it lags the most like for me it was when it walked to the NPC and traversed through the dungeon/stronghold

    That idea is great - problem being im having the same issue with every script im using. And like i said i can play legit w/o lag, stream movies and play etc - but as soon as i bot i get hit with lag. Could i potentially have an out-of-date version of the client?

  10. That's the point of it. You can't see what's happening but the script still works and does it's thing

    What i ment to say was - even though im black screening it still has lag - like some form of pause that happens every 2-3 seconds.

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