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Posts posted by Aidden

  1. This just seems like a lot of effort to put into something when you could simply bot and make the money back.


    See that's the thing, it's pretty much no effort at all. It only takes a couple minutes to click your ads each day. If a couple minutes each day is too much then you're not going to get anywhere with any other onlne profit mechanism either.



  2. I've been using this for a couple months now and it does take a lot of time before you actually start earning anything. The goal is to keep putting back in what you've earned to rent more referrals until you have max referrals for the free account. This takes some time because you have to renew your referrals every month or for however long you set it to (the more months you pay for in one renewal, the cheaper it is). The main mistake i think a lot of people will make that i made was to continually keep renting more and more referrals every time i had $1. While this seems to be a good idea, it's not the best approach as your referrals are more likely to have an avg. click rate of 2 rather than 4 so you're only earning upto half as much as you could be from them. I suggest renting 10-15 referrals and then extending each ones period to 60days+ so that you get a discount and once you've done that you're right to continue renting referrals.

  3. Looks awesome, you should ban everyone who's complaining on this forum, you're doing this and releasing it for free.


    You're an idiot. The reason people complain even though they're getting the client for free is because they purchase scripts and when they've purchased scripts with a monthly fee and the bot takes days or even a week to be updated, usually without any word from the dev team, it's fucking annoying and feels like you're being ripped off.

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  4. I don't have scripter rank but im a scripter, is there any way i can get access to the client when scripters do?

    The main reason i haven't got scripter is because i haven't got internet and i've had exams so have been too busy with uni to write scripts and have them at a stage that im happy to release them at.

    Exams are finished now so i have plenty of time for scripting :) Been scripting the past couple days, trying to get my scripts finished and ready for release both here and on other sites

  5. uhm have arrows equipped or dont equip a bow its not the clients fault for this so this isnt really a bug........


    maybe the script im runnign accidentally equipped a bow while stringing?

    Randoms should take into account every possibility. If im unable to perform combat for whatever reason the random should be able to fix that to complete its goal.

  6. I have found that some randoms don't get detected again, even with the latest client version 1.7.62. I have found freaky forester and maze not working, here is a bug error for the maze;

    Exited random : Maze

    [ERROR][11/10/13 12:14:56 PM]: Error on executing random worker!
    at org.osbot.LPT6.onLoop(ef:20)
    at org.osbot.script.rs2.randoms.RandomManager.scan(bj:80)
    at org.osbot.lpt5.run(wg:111)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
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