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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Yeah, I pretty much caught on to the if, else if loops etc.. Learning more methods and return types atm, Im checking out W3 school atm for java script... is there any fundamental differences between JAVA and Javascript? Heard there was, idk. Also, do you recommend any decompilers over others? Thanks.
  2. Any suggestions on where to start ? Java is so broad, and half the stuff you learn (even when I tried cpp) has nothing to do with how you apply it in terms of script coding for games and altering things, etc...
  3. Thanks guys Appreciate it. And no, I am talking about OSbot2, The example I pulled however, is from OS1, just figured it was sufficient enough to get my point across to ask the question properly , and it was :P And yes, pretty much. Figured it out now with all of the help, thanks again.
  4. Hello all past, and current scripters. Currently just starting to learn java, had some moderate cpp experience, so catching on pretty quick to how things work and stuff, it's actually pretty english as oppose to some less developed languages, just working on how things get put together in this language... anyways, I see most scripts run with the OS client, so I was just wondering in the example of this statement: if(client.getInventory().isFull() == false) { Your statements like client.whatever for example, where can you find the little sub statements that go there for different actions? LIke... If you defined an Enum for both cooking or burning persay, (this being the firemaking case) and I wanted to persay tell the client to check if logs are available in inventory to light, what are the possible statements that are available check or to fit: client.'here'() ? Besides this example of .getinventory() ? Can't say I'm a pro at explaining things, but hope this question comes across clearly with the example I used! Thanks in advance, - Essence
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