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  1. Yes, I believe the functionality you described was as it worked for me in 2.4.36, however with the update to .37 its now spam clicking a very specific tile each time... I assume you are walking to bank with, for example: getWalking().webWalk(Banks.VARROCK_EAST); Using this it'll even go so far as run INTO the area, be definitely within the area, and then spam click the specific spot until it gets there... Bear in mind I'm currently at work so I can't test anything out at the moment, I will try the condition approach suggested when I get home from work in about 6 hours...
  2. Ooh that looks lovely thank you! Just had another question, the webwalk seems to end every route very consistently, as follows: 1) Walks as close to end tile as possible 2) Finishes route by spam clicking specific block until character is on exactly that tile. This last behaviour is something I'd imagine is rather detectable... is there a way to specify that routes are allowed to be approximate, and then the event will end when the distance to the final tile is under some tolerance?
  3. Hi there, So as far as I can see, if I use the following: getWalking().webWalk(Positions... positions) then the default behaviour is to turn run on. Is there a way for me to specify if I would like to walk or run. Thanks
  4. I'm working on a standalone runescape route finder. The vision I have is: given skills/quests/items on character will return the most optimum route for a task, considering accessible teleports/boats/fairy rings/all transportation methods. This tool will then be used in my other project which will try to "evolve" the runescape character along the most efficient levelling route. For example: Take current stats/quests/etc. Generate 10 candidate "evolved" characters, with small deltas in skills/quests (e.g. +5 agility, +5 fm, + priest in peril) Compare these small deltas with the resulting change in route speed. Use successful permutations to attempt to find a random, but efficient, path for levelling in order to complete a certain route. Bear in mind all of this is just an interesting problem I've thought up and would like to solve. It's actual use in any script is not really my interest.
  5. I'm so dumb. It helps if you actually run the jar and click the "install webwalking" button before you try to run it... I've got routes working now It seems to force printing information to the terminal, what's the best way to turn this off? Currently I'm just temporarily redirecting System.out to filter out these messages, but ideally there would be a less ugly fix... Many thanks for everything so far, this has been extremely helpful already
  6. I'm just using the .jar you get when you click download. Looking in the MANIFEST shows: build: 2.4.33
  7. Thanks very much. As far as I can see this does not yet allow routefinding across the world, routes returned are null... Position catherby = new Position(2808, 3439, 0); Position varrock = new Position(3253, 3420, 0); INodeRouteFinder router = INodeRouteFinder.createSimple(); List<IDirection> route = router.route(varrock, catherby); System.out.println(route); // returns null Am I doing something wrong, or is this stuff just too immature at the moment? I know these classes are currently undergoing development... I see the createAdvanced() throws RuntimeException: not implemented yet. Just to be clear, I require a routing function that can return a route if there exists one purely on foot, otherwise null. For example: RouteFrom(Lumbridge, Ardougne) -> returns a valid route walking via white wolf mountain. RouteFrom(Varrock, Varrock Sewers) -> returns null since there is no way to walk from A to B, a "teleport" (ladder) must be used. Ideally this class would work with or without an active client. What I described appears to be the desired functionality of NodeRouteFinder in 2.4.29, however I assume there were issues that meant it has been removed as opposed to simply being marked deprecated...
  8. Hello everyone In OSBot 2.4.29 there was a class called NodeRouteFinder. This has been removed in OSBot 2.4.33 and instead there now exists only a SimpleNodeRouteFinder. How do I get information on the future status of this method?
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