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Posts posted by Samasu

  1. I made a feature that closes it if the collect window ever pops up, stop nitpicking... OSBot mouse handler is programmed to misclick to increase antiban ^^ biggrin.png


    edit: for the record, if the window ever opens, it's like 1/100 chance, just osbot mouse handler intentionally misclicking sometimes, it happens to EVERY bot on this site ^^ Just in case potential customers look at this and are worried - don't be.


    May I ask how your anti-ban is? Because I'm running it now for 5+ hours and I baby sit it. The bot isn't moving the screen or opening the skill tab or clicking at the clan tab or whatever, is that normal?

  2. I asked for a trial but you were offline so I bought it directly, then there was the bug of not logging out (you solved it now), so I asked for a refund and now it's deleted but is my trial also deleted or how is that? Want to try it out now since the bug is fixed....

  3. i might have a few accs, what price are you offering ea?

    Just pm me with your price and ill get back to you.

    Oh, well in that case, I may have what you're looking for, just let me check through my files for my accounts and see if I have any, if so they'll be username login :)

    Pm me with prices

  4. How would you know if the account hasn't been logged into in 500 days roughly? If someone were to check, wouldn't it register that day as their last log in? Then how would you know it was 500 days since last login?

    You can check age at Hans

    may i ask why? acc age has literally 0 impact on ban if you're thinking it does :s

    but if you need some accs; http://osbot.org/forum/topic/91183-ready2go-fresh-level-3-account-shop/

    I dont think I said something about bans......

  5. There is a issue with making (unf) potions. When the bot is out of items, it stays online searching for the items instead of logging out...

    Please fix this asap or I need to ask for a refund, I don't want a ban because of this.

  6. Haha, woke up and bye 13 membership accounts with 1.3m flax / 100k flax each lol.

    May quit rs, idk yet. 





    reply to all these comments -.-:

    Wow kids going ham.

    I am not VIP, that is totally right, just open 13 clients with 13 different accounts rofl fail osbot.

    I was not picking flax, I was spinning them.


    gf mods QwPha8E.png

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