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Posts posted by Chambo

  1. 11 hours ago, hobouk said:

    I have the exact same issue - definitely not blocked via firewall/antivirus etc.


    Not running it via a proxy or VPN!







    Fixed it you can see what I did here: 



    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Hi G00gle said:


    That basically means your path's are not set correct. Please try this:


    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60 

    ^ This is a example, update the path to your current Java version. DO NOT INCLUDE THE BIN FOLDER.

    You can set your Java path by doing:

    1. Go to your Windows 10 search box, and type Advanced System Settings.

    2. Click on Environment variables.

    3. CLick under the 'System variables' on New... - Type under Variable name: JAVA_HOME and then type C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60 (DO NOT INCLUDE THE BIN FOLDER, and update according to your jdk version)

    4. Also make sure you have the PATH included, there should be a line like: %JAVA_HOME%\bin


    Now we should check if the configuration was succesfull:


    java -version should prompt you with a message stating your Java version.

    As for the Java compiler:

    javac -version

    And now to check if your path was succesfully created:

    echo %JAVA_HOME%


    Let me know if it worked out for you.

    Thanks man this helped! I also instead downloaded windows x64 Version instead of x86 and installed it into Program Files not Program Files(x86) and it is finally working again! Thanks for the help everyone!


    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Hi G00gle said:

    Can you try to conpletely disable your firewall? It might block the connection. If you don't know how, please qoute me with what type OS you are running.

    It is now showing the stable version number. I have disabled my firewall as well as my anti virus and it still will not work. 

    I have Windows 10 and tried running the jar from command prompt and I get the following errors:

    C:\Users\Chambo\Desktop>java -jar OSBot_2.4.118.jar
    Error: Unable to access jarfile OSBot_2.4.118.jar
    C:\Users\Chambo\Desktop>java -Xmx512M OSBot_2.4.118.jar
    Error: Could not find or load main class OSBot_2.4.118.jar

    I've also deleted all folders related to OSBot and deleted the jar file and redownloaded it as well. But still nothing. It still brings up the first launch screen but after I click launch OSBot will completely exit.

  4. I've currently tried both OSBot 2.4.118 & 2.4.119 and both have the same problem. I click on the jar and it opens the initial login form. But after I click Launch nothing happens. I have tried...


    • Deleting and redownloading both files
    • Deleting Java and reinstalling
    • Searching google for possible solutions
    • Search OSBot for possible solutions

    It has been like this for the past 1-2 weeks and I haven't found a solution yet. Does anyone have any insight and/or fixes for this problem?


    Now its not showing a stable version?



  5. 8 hours ago, Hi G00gle said:

    Have you tried deleting the OSBot cache folder? I _think_ it should be in your user account folder:


    C:\Users\YourNameHere\OSBot > Not entirely sure if it's located here. Though, I assume you are on Windows?

    Yeah I have tried that and still nothing after I click launch... :(

  6. I've currently tried both OSBot 2.4.118 & 2.4.119 and both have the same problem. I click on the jar and it opens the initial login form. But after I click Launch nothing happens. I have tried...


    • Deleting and redownloading both files
    • Deleting Java and reinstalling
    • Searching google for possible solutions
    • Search OSBot for possible solutions

    It has been like this for the past 1-2 weeks and I haven't found a solution yet. Does anyone have any insight and/or fixes for this problem?


    Now its not showing a stable version?




    Moderator please close this! Solved!

  7. Also Gets stuck on brawlers and cant move. Also a suggestion.... Possibly move to front of lander when entering boat? Thanks for the script!

    Edit: Also maybe fix the constant switching to inventory after every spec?


    • Like 1
  8. @@Imateamcape


    So I have 2 separate classes. (main.java & gui.java)



    import java.awt.EventQueue;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
    import javax.swing.JComboBox;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
    import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JTextPane;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    public class gui extends JFrame {
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = -8181573131827704618L;
    	public main main;
    	public JPanel contentPane;
    	public JTextField xmuleName;
    	public boolean useAntiBan;
    	public String moneyMethod;
    	public String muleName;
    	public boolean useMule;
    	public String muleLoc;
    	 * Launch the application.
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    			public void run() {
    				try {
    					gui frame = new gui();
    				} catch (Exception e) {
    	 * Create the frame.
    	@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    	public gui() {
    		setTitle("Chambo's Elite Clay Miner");
    		setBounds(100, 100, 289, 358);
    		contentPane = new JPanel();
    		contentPane.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
    		JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP);
    		tabbedPane.setBounds(0, 0, 273, 319);
    		JPanel settings = new JPanel();
    		tabbedPane.addTab("Settings", null, settings, null);
    		JLabel lblMuleName = new JLabel("Mule Name:");
    		lblMuleName.setBounds(10, 11, 65, 14);
    		xmuleName = new JTextField();
    		xmuleName.setBounds(81, 8, 177, 20);
    		JLabel lblUseMule = new JLabel("Use Mule?:");
    		lblUseMule.setBounds(10, 46, 65, 14);
    		JCheckBox xuseMule = new JCheckBox("Check this box to use a Mule");
    		xuseMule.setBounds(81, 42, 177, 23);
    		JLabel lblMethod = new JLabel("Method:");
    		lblMethod.setBounds(10, 78, 65, 14);
    		JComboBox xmoneyMethod = new JComboBox();
    		xmoneyMethod.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] {"Mine Clay", "Spin Flax", "Collect/Tan Cowhides"}));
    		xmoneyMethod.setBounds(81, 75, 177, 20);
    		JLabel lblAntiban = new JLabel("Anti-Ban?:");
    		lblAntiban.setBounds(10, 116, 65, 14);
    		JCheckBox xuseAntiBan = new JCheckBox("Check this box to use Anti-Ban");
    		xuseAntiBan.setBounds(81, 112, 177, 23);
    		JLabel lblMuleLocation = new JLabel("Mule Location:");
    		lblMuleLocation.setBounds(10, 151, 76, 14);
    		JComboBox xmuleLoc = new JComboBox();
    		xmuleLoc.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] {"Varrock East", "Varrock West", "Grand Exchange", "Lumbridge"}));
    		xmuleLoc.setBounds(91, 148, 167, 20);
    		JButton startButton = new JButton("Start");
    		startButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
    				muleName = xmuleName.getText();
    				useMule = xuseMule.isSelected();
    				moneyMethod = xmoneyMethod.getSelectedItem().toString();
    				useAntiBan = xuseAntiBan.isSelected();
    				muleLoc = xmuleLoc.getSelectedItem().toString();
    				main.started = true;
    		startButton.setBounds(65, 257, 137, 23);
    		JPanel information = new JPanel();
    		tabbedPane.addTab("Information", null, information, null);
    		JTextPane txtpnThanksForChoosing = new JTextPane();
    		txtpnThanksForChoosing.setText("Thanks for choosing my script! I've put a lot of time & effort into this so please enjoy it and if there are any bugs/problems please let me know!\r\n\r\nMule Name: Put you Mule's username here so that the slave will trade the mule when he logs in!\r\n\r\nUse Mule: Keep this checked if you want to use the Mule System! If not it's fine! It will just bank all the items!\r\n\r\nMethod: Select which Money Making Method you would like to use!\r\n\r\nAntiban: Select this to enable Anti-ban and help your account throw off Jagex a little!\r\n\r\nMule Location: This is the location that your Slave will walk to, to trade your Mule.");
    		txtpnThanksForChoosing.setBounds(10, 11, 248, 269);


    And this is a part of my onStart() in main.java

    public void onStart() {
    //Other variables are here
      gui g = new gui();
            mule = g.muleName;
    	useMule = g.useMule;
    	moneyMethod = g.moneyMethod;
    	useAntiBan = g.useAntiBan;
    	muleLoc = g.muleLoc; 


    (NOTE: When this isn't commented out the script won't start currently it is commented out)


    Any help for this?

  9. Hello again guys lol needing some help! My code is a mess now after i've followed a couple VERY different tutorials... So could you guys walk me through how to get my variables from gui class? Below are some of the variables i'm needing and also please walk me through this!! :) Thanks again in advance guys!


    Variable : Type


    String mule : Textbox
    Boolean useMule : Checkbox
    String moneyMethod : ComboBox
    Boolean useAntiBan : Checkbox
    String muleLoc : ComboBox
    Oh by the way i'm using WindowBuilder for Eclipse! :) Not sure if that changes anything :P


  10. Hey guys i'm feeling really stupid right now... lol I don't know if it's because i'm running on no sleep for the past almost 24 hours or what but i can't figure out how to calculate items per hour?


    I already have current clay mined with the variable xCount;

    and I have a current time running variable of timeRun;


    any help please? lol


    Thanks in advance!

  11. So i'm trying to test this script. And it won't load. Doesn't show anything in the logger either. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Player;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
    import java.awt.*;
    @ScriptManifest(author = "Chambo", name = "Chambo's SMC", version = 1, logo = "")
    public class main extends Script {
    public long pCash = inventory.getAmount(995);
    public long tradeCash = pCash - 300000;
    public Area veBank = new Area(3250, 3420, 3257, 3423);
        public void onStart() {
            log("Welcome to Chambo's SMC!");
    	private enum State {
    	private State getState() {
    		Player m = getPlayers().closest("username");
    		if (m != null && veBank.contains(myPlayer()))
    			return State.TRADE;
    		if (m == null && veBank.contains(myPlayer()))
    			return State.WAIT;
    		if (!veBank.contains(myPlayer()))
    			return State.WALK;
    		return null;
    	public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    		switch (getState()) {
    		case TRADE:
    			Player m = getPlayers().closest("username");
    			if(inventory.contains(995) && pCash >= 300001){
    				if (m != null) {
    					sleep(random(4980, 5632));
    					if(trade.isCurrentlyTrading() == true){
    						if (trade.getOtherPlayer() == "username"){
    							//do the trade
    							trade.offer(995, (int) tradeCash); //if this doesn't work then use trade.offerAll(995) then put trade.remove(995, 300000)
    							log("1st trade window accepted!");
    							sleep(random(500, 700));
    							log("2nd trade window accepted!");
    						} else {
    					} else {
    						sleep(random(10280, 16024));
    		case WAIT:
    			sleep(random(1213, 3611));
    			//add more stuff here for anti-ban (click stats, move camera, etc)
    		case WALK:
    				sleep(random(500, 700));
    				//walk to Varrock East Bank
    		return random(200, 300);
    	public void onExit() {
    		log("Thanks for using Chambo's SMC!");
    	public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
  12. So it buys the Feather packs just fine but when it begins opening the packs it freezes the client. Any suggestions?

    import java.awt.*;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
    @ScriptManifest(author = "Chambo", info = "A simple Feather pack buyer!", name = "Chambo's Feather Buyer", version = 0.3, logo = "")
    public class Main extends Script {
        private enum State {
            BUY, OPEN
        private State getState() {
            if (inventory.isFull()){
                return State.OPEN;
            	return State.BUY;
        public void onStart() {
            log("Script successfully started!");
        public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
            switch (getState()) {
                case BUY:
                	if (getInventory().getAmount("Coins") >= 300 ){
                		NPC shop = npcs.closest("Gerrant");
                		if (shop != null && shop.isVisible()) {
                		sleep(random(500, 600));
                		if (!inventory.isFull()){
    	            		store.buy("Feather pack", 20);
    						sleep(random(500, 600));
    						store.buy("Feather pack", 20);
    						sleep(random(500, 600));
                    	log("Not enough coins! Stopping Script!");
                case OPEN:
                	if (getInventory().contains("Feather pack")){
                    	inventory.interact("Feather pack", "Open");
        				sleep(random(400, 100));
            return random(200, 300);
        public void onExit() {
            log("Thanks for using Chambo's Feather Buyer!");
        public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
  13. Great release although so far falador to varrock seems to not be working for me other routes I've tried either work or say upgrade to pro.


    Thanks for the feedback man. I will work on this and have an update for that by tomorrow!


    please don't say you hardcoded each location by hand! smile.png



    I'm guessing that because the locations are colour coded you're not using you own webwalker xD


    but looks cool mate, good job smile.png


    Thank you. And I don't remember stating that I've "hardcoded each location by hand"? ;) lol

  14. fTR7sD1.png

    Hello OSBot! Welcome to my very first Script Thread! This AIO Walker can walk efficiently to 4 currently supported Locations with a variation of start points unlike other AIO Walkers! More will be added soon in the time to come! Chambo's AIO Walker is currently free and a paid version will be hopefully uploaded to the SDN by 09/15/2015! The paid version will contain more routes & locations, such as P2P Locations and MORE F2P Locations!


    ***If you encounter any bugs/errors please either PM me or post it in this thread!***

    ***If you could also please let me know what you think of my first script or perhaps new script ideas that would be great!***
    Current Locations: (Not Started  Almost Finished  Finished & Working)

    • Lumbridge
    • Varrock
    • Falador
    • Draynor
    • Al Kharid
    • Edgeville
    • Grand Echange
    • Dig Site
    • Port Sarim
    • Rimmington
    • Wizards' Tower



    Current Routes: (Not Started  Almost Finished  Finished & Working)

    • Lumbridge -> Varrock
    • Lumbridge -> Falador
    • Lumbridge -> Draynor
    • Lumbridge -> Al Kharid
    • Varrock -> Lumbridge
    • Varrock -> Falador
    • Varrock -> Draynor
    • Varrock -> Al Kharid
    • Draynor -> Lumbridge
    • Draynor -> Falador
    • Draynor -> Varrock
    • Draynor -> Al Kharid
    • Falador -> Draynor
    • Falador -> Varrock
    • Falador -> Lumbridge
    • Falador -> Al Kharid



    Change Log:

    - Uploaded ChamboAIOWalker.jar to MediaFire
    - Created Thread for Chambo's AIO Walker (Free)
    • Like 2
  15. If I'm not mistaking you have a deadlock.


    You're waiting indefinitely in a synchronization block locked on Main.class

    The EDT tries to enter a synchronization block also locked on Main.class in order to notify the above thread

    = The EDT cannot enter the synchronization block because a thread is waiting in the first synchronization block

    = The first thread is never notified


    So how would I go about fixing this issue?

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