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Posts posted by Briansama

  1. 23 hours ago, ProjectPact said:

    I'm sorry for your loss. It is hard to say exactly what a ban is from. It could be from so many things, so don't be so quick to point fingers at a script. :) 

    Which is why I gave my break timings and as much info as possible so people can judge for themselves if my precautions were sufficient enough.  Personally I think they are cracking down hard on any bot that make money, I botted agility hardcore year and a half ago and never had an issue.

    In the end, though, who knows. 

  2. 1 day ban using this, just a fair warning to all. Had breaks setup every 35-51 minutes and lasting 15-45 minutes at a time. Used for a single day from 38-60ish Hunter and got the banhammer. 

  3. While I see the point of those who wish to support the development...


    I, like many people, can't bring myself to put money into something that isn't for sure or even out of the beta stages. Kind of like pre-ordering a game and then getting it on release and it's complete garbage (Simcity still hurts...)


    I appreciate every single one of you Admins working on this project, but until I see real anti-randoms and a bot that doesn't freeze every 30 minutes, I will hold back on donating. Hopefully that came across right.

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