List of premium scripts not allowed on SDN:
-Staking scripts
-Gambling scripts
-Simple money making scripts
--Includes but not limited to:
---Wine of Zamorak
---Red spider eggs
-AIO money making scripts
-Simple magic scripts, must be AIO or minigame
-Woodcutters that are not AIO
-Rogue's Den Cooker, must be AIO cooker
-Looting scripts
-Dragon killers that kill dragons in the wilderness
-Anything that involves the wilderness
-Shop buyers (exception: S3)
-Merchanting scripts/scripts that revolve around GE
-"Bot farm scripts"
-Slayer scripts
List of free scripts not allowed on SDN:
-Specific low-level monster killers
-Simple magic scripts
Scripts that have any of the following will be auto-rejected:
Leniency may be given to new scripters and free scripts
-Any static ids excluding root widget ids
-Scripts that require game username/password
-Scripts that require to be started from CLI
-Scripts that advertise "anti-ban/profiling/pattern", "human" movements, interactions, etc.
--You may include it but you cant advertise it or have a checkbox for it
--If your script uses "antiban" you must use it by default, again no checkbox
-Scripts that download excessive resources without some sort of cache/saving
-Scripts that randomize sleep whose bounds are 25% within the mean or less than 250ms
--Exceptions can be made with good reason, antiban/antipattern is not a reason
--sleep(random(75, 125)) is not allowed, sleep(random(50, 150)) is not allowed
--sleep(random(50, 500)) is allowed
-Scripts that randomize with obscure values such as "random(231,432)"
-Scripts that fail to consider ConditionalSleeps
-Scripts that fail to perform checks on methods "if(npc.interact()) {}"
-Scripts that use anything from JavaFX