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midlifcrisis's Achievements

Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Currently at 9k monkfish (raw) I'm taking a break and cooking lobsters so i don't completely burn out on fishing and so i don't burn monks, i just bought the lobsters, I didn't want to have to fish 30k haha
  2. I'm gonna cook all of them afterwards and i plan to sell 75k and keep whatevers left, maybe even a little more ill keep to myself, depends how much i burn
  3. about 250 an hour, cause i get almost exactly 30k an hour xp, around 400 hours of fishing. At this moment i have no estimate to when i'll finish but i'm going to be playing as much as i can to get it as soon as possible
  4. Why would i transfer if i'm doing legit?
  5. I recently got a ban for botting so i've decided to play legit, and as my first goal i'd like to get 99 fishing and have enough food to supply me to train and do whatever i feel needs to be done All of the fishing will be done legit as i do not want to receive a perm ban instead of just a 2 day, I will update as soon as i can. (most likely updated daily unless something comes up) June 17th - goal started June 23rd - decided to do weekly updates of monkfish, also decided to cook monkfish while fishing, will include raws, cooked, and burnts, to add up to 100k after goal has been reached June 25th - will be cooking lobsters til 90 cook so the monks wont burn Current :
  6. not always, sometimes ill be questing and i will get transferred to botting worlds, well hopefull all goes well for me
  7. worlds 385/386. those are the bot programs, so basically if i avoided those worlds and while jagex is not working, basically you're a lot less likely to get banned, correct?
  8. Can jagex detect if youre botting if they are not currently in the office, and you leave if you ever end up in 385/386?
  9. Cannon Ball Maker http://gyazo.com/c24323c57f65cd600a9c194050450761 Yew Fletcher http://gyazo.com/4c80d15cc687154fb87ea982d9b3696c Yew Bow Stringer http://gyazo.com/4c6db96643ce291bd737633e6761c606 I was gonna make a Alching script but i didn't have enough time, and i had a superheating proggy but it got corrupt and didnt save correctly so i had to remove delete that as well. these are my proggies though, well make more even after this event is over
  10. Theyre all the same, just at different time periods of the script, wouldn't that just be considered 1 long proggy?
  11. I'm using SSF, how wouild i do ent detection differently?
  12. Title says all, i need the yew ent id so my woodcutting script doesn't get all jacked up and ive been running my bot for 3 hours and yet to receive an ent
  13. Was at 30k strength/hr 10k hp/hr 40k total/hr before i took a break on my script
  14. I should now have 3 entries, i got my signature fixed thanks to Maldesto, just clarifying that i should have 3 now
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