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  1. Made something for a friend of mine on another forum;
  2. Alterego101

    SOTW 20 Voting

    Then stop complaining and get your friend to stop procrastinating. It's his fault he waited until 1 hour before the deadline to decide to make it.
  3. I can do something similar (not animated). My Skype is in the thread layout.
  4. Contact me on Skype to discuss orders! All of my work will be watermarked before payment. After payment is received, the watermark will be removed and you may use the design as you please.
  5. Too blurred on the sides. Ruins it IMO.
  6. Alterego101

    SOTW 17 Voting

    No thanks, I'm not in need of help.
  7. Looks like you've just covered the image in lights/C4Ds. It looks OK, though. Except for that bright pink light on the side of her head which is completely out of place.
  8. Alterego101

    SOTW 17 Voting

    I think you should be a bit more considerate about what you say and who you think you're affecting. I find it very offensive and disheartening when somebody says that I didn't put any effort in, when clearly I did and you're just short-sighted.
  9. http://gyazo.com/94bf960f531db64fc598c1375712d2f2
  10. http://gyazo.com/f52abbbaf6a7483f1e31aa4f79539fa8
  11. Alterego101

    SOTW 17

    Entered. GL everyone.
  12. http://osbot.org/forum/user/8595-sex/
  13. Alterego101


    Could be better. The BG is nice but the render does not blend (nor does it suit the sig).
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