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Slow object loading


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Do you know the position of the tree?


IT's an issue with the mirror client,


If an object changes state if doesn't get loaded instantly by the mirror client:



Tree -> tree stump

Hunter Trap-> full hunter trap

Rockfall -> nothing


Mirror client will try to interact with the "Tree" even though it's already gone for 1-2 sec.

This will cause the mouse to spasm all over the "tree".


It's very frustrating :s


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IT's an issue with the mirror client,


If an object changes state if doesn't get loaded instantly by the mirror client:



Tree -> tree stump

Hunter Trap-> full hunter trap

Rockfall -> nothing


Mirror client will try to interact with the "Tree" even though it's already gone for 1-2 sec.

This will cause the mouse to spasm all over the "tree".


It's very frustrating :s


Thanks for saying it in a more professional way :P 


@Alek @MGI May help us :D

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