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Injection vs Reflection (An Age Old Debate)


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Hiya all,

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and give you all a little background on my history with both Runescape and botting. I have been playing Runescape off and on for the better part of nearly two decades. I started my Runescape adventure in roughly about 2004, and ever since then I've absolutely loved the game. I was hooked from the absolute start, and arguably the biggest obstacle to me diving balls deep into this game was the fact that as a kid, I didn't have my own home PC within the house. It belonged to my very grouchy step-mom and getting caught hacking into the PC to play, could hold steep punishments for myself. I would play mostly late at night, or for an hour or two after school, and that was about the extent of my available daily playtime. Around 2009, Jagex unfairly banned my main account that hard reasonably decent stats with many high level 80 skills, 100+ combat, and a great many quests done. I was utterly heartbroken, and tried to figure out how I would continue to play the game now that my beloved main had been banned for 'bug abuse'; an odd accusation considering I hadn't even known of any worthwhile bugs to abuse.

I had tried finding workable bots for years as I played because often during my gametime, I would see loads of level 3's botting Yews near both Falador and within Edgeville, in absolute mass, running trains from tree to tree. I had been unsuccessful acquiring anything practical or outside of a poorly disguised trojan. It was around this time in 2009 that I stumbled upon the original p****bot forums, and spent some weeks familiarizing myself with how bots worked, what sort of scripts I should run, etc.  I botted for roughly a year on their platform maybe a bit longer before the announcement was made that p****bot would be no more, and that in it's place RSBuddy would be taking it's place. In my own eyes, this period represented the golden era of Runescape botting. I quickly downloaded RSBuddy upon it's release, and dove into their premium botting client and scripts with newfound intensity. One of the biggest bots that I remember running was a Barrows combat bot that would kill monsters in the Barrows brothers tunnels, and utilize Bones to Peaches tabs in order to heal myself. 

After having started over on a completely fresh account, botting Experiments for some time, and then upgrading to this Barrows bot, I was raking in roughly 70-100k of combat experience per hour. I managed to completely surpass my previous main at that time, and I chalked it up heavily to their reflection based client, as well as their premium botting scripts (their community just seemed to care about even the free products and scripts they released like none other I have seen or found since then). In time, RSBuddy became OSBuddy, and eventually the entire botting aspect of it was shutdown as the owner defected to Jagex to take a role as a moderator. It was at this point, that I believe the entire botting scene started to avalanche horribly downhill. Practically all of the botting clients and scripts that I seemed to test in the days and weeks, months, years afterwards; just didn't seem to boast the same level of efficiency and capability of remaining undetected. I personally believed this to be due to a number of reasons such as 

1) Injection based clients
2) Poor support for the client and the scripts themselves
3)Terribad scripting on the bots themselves

In time, I quit my attempts at Runescape botting, and eventually moved to playing legitimately again, and would periodically quit the game/return every so often as the interest struck me again. My biggest drive to return occurred when Runescape re-released the old servers from 2007, which was arguably from a period that represented Runescape's golden age in my opinion (2004-2007). Ever since returning to Old School Runescape (OSRS), I was eager to return to botting once again with the possibility of me creating some sweet new accounts for sale, or even farming gold to sell in exchange for cryptocurrency (the best payment method imo). Alas, however, none of the bots I ever found or touched seemed to quite do the job, and invariably I always got banned within a few days into a botting session, with or without breaks, In retrospect, the main account that I began to bot on RS3 in 2009 using p****bot and OSBuddy, still to this day has never been banned or rolled back, and I've botted a number of 99's on that account, including dungeoneering.

Now as it stands today, in 2021; I have obtained a renewed interest for botting to start goldfarming and account selling; and yet, none of the bot clients I have tried thus far have been fairly satisfactory. Among the clients I have tried are ; the newest incarnation of p****bot, Advertising other bots isn't allowed., poopbot, *****, and probably a few others to name, with ***** being the most recent I have tested. Within nearly 2 days of botting, with breaks taken for several hours in between each eight hour sessions; I was handed down a permanent ban on my newest test account.

Having heard of OSBot being heavily recommended in some videos I've seen of some very high profile gold-farmers, I thought I would give this client a proper trial. However, I noticed when setting it up to run for the first time, that Reflection or 'Mirror' based botting is reserved for only VIP's, with 'Stealth'(Injection) being the only function available to free members. I suppose my question is here, having a fair knowledge of how bot clients work from my past experience and history of botting; how safe exactly is the 'Stealth' (Injection) based method currently? Is it something that is outright detectable by Jagex, or do bans still actively rely on having been reported by other players, leading to Jagex reviewing your account and looking for obvious clues of botting such as, numerous active misclicks, actively attempting to attack NPC's while already in combat with another while in singles combat, getting stuck behind doors and other obstacles while attempting to attack an NPC or reach an item on the other side, etc?

I am curious of your opinions and views on this matter as I would very much like to return to botting, even if just on alt accounts for goldfarming, PKing, selling, etc; and I want to make sure I use the most trustworthy, efficient, and safe client out there. In fairness, I suppose I would like to know how likely I am to get banned, even if babysitting the bots for issues, or utilizing normal playtime's (no suiciding), etc. In fairness, I suppose Injection based clients are relatively acceptable as long as Jagex isn't capable of outright detecting them based on the injection methods alone, or if bans still primarily result from receiving abuse reports for macroing,

Feel free to leave your honest and open personal opinions below, and thank you all for the chance to explain my position, and introduce myself.

Happy Botting fellow 'Scapers.

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@Anakim Mentioning other botting clients Isn't allowed. Think the filter got them all though.

Speaking on the topic of your question, Mirror isn't Reflection, Injection is still just as good if not better if done well enough, and all the implementations are done differently for each client so some results vary. If you're only botting like 4 or less accounts use Mirror, any more than that than on OSBot you need to use Injection as Mirror wasn't really meant for farming and is a hassle to deal with a high number of clients.

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  • 1 month later...

Imagine using Simba/SCAR back in 2004, Im sure you could bot to max, reliably.


These days, Jagex has machiene learning to detect scripts, so if 1000 people use a script, the similar behaivoral style is easily detected across all the accounts.


These days, in my expert opinion, you have to have a unique , and human-biometrics based mouse profiles for every account.


And, using Mirror mode to avoid tampering with the client.


Inject and Reflection are both detectable I belive, while a Color and Computer Vision bot would be undetectable from a client standpoint.

THen, you just have to use human mouse profiles and script perfectly.

I think fully undetected bots have always existed, they just arnt mainstream. I'll say, if you want to look like a bot, use a bot client, if you want to look like a human, use Computer Vision. Gotta emulate the human at every level, play on a normal client, use vision and object recognition to detect how to play.


Computer Vision bots would be more resource intensive, and less relaible, such as not accurately recognizing NPCs and webwalking, but many items in runescape are static and dont change, so a computer could scan 360 degrees on a NPC or Item MOdel.

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