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False feedback inno420


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Disputed Member: @inno420

Why it should be removed: Invalid reason for getting banned, while i already CHANGED many things he didn't ask at the start of our discussion for this script, for it to be his liking, adding "antibans" and etc since it seemed for him to be helpful

Details: Invalid reason for getting banned, while i already CHANGED many things he didn't ask at the start of our discussion for this script, for it to be his liking, adding "antibans" and etc since it seemed for him to be helpful

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Please read the feedback rules. Listed HERE

NegativeNegative feedback is meant for trades to where you have not received the item you have paid for or someone has taken away money given to you for a service. 

You have received the product so this is a false feedback.



I have reviewed the evidence sent to me on skype by progamerz. He provided tons of changes to your liking. Being banned is not a reason for a negative feedback. When you bot you know the risks to bans on your account. 

Purchasing a private script does not keep you immune to bans. It only provides a script made for you privately (cannot be shared, not many users (public scripts), etc.) 

If I see you make another false feedback, I will warn you appropriately. Next time work the changes out with the script writer.


Feedback removed.

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