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2D Java Game - OpenGL


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On the 23rd my friend asked me the steps to make a 2D game within Java. (Awkward since Alek posted his thread on that day - Coincidence swr dwn m8.)


Been pretty busy in the last six months with school but I decided on taking on a project to make a nifty little game which would implement all the principles I've learnt and bring it full circle with why I picked up programming.


I essentially want to build a basic 2d game base/engine which I can expand upon whenever I wish. I don't really have any plans to make a release, maybe just publish the code and let people pick it apart as the codebase grows.


My friend should be contributing to this project, but we'll see how that goes. Since it's been the holiday period and I'm in my senior year, progression will be  slow, but ill try post weekly updates.


If anyone wants knowledge on how to begin something like this, feel free to PM me.


Postponed - I got a job and school. Summer Project for sure :)


Current Goals

- Basic graphic handling using OpenGL/GLFW.

- Map creation and saving.

- Player handling.

- Collision tiles.

- Multi-socked server - Basic networking.




Current Progress 31/12/2016:





Basic texture loading.

- Map skeleton, 10x10 map size with 32x32 pixels per block. One layer.

- Basic updates/ticks for graphical updating.



Edited by Final
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