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Posts posted by Czar


    Here's a list of bugs i've noticed not sure if they've been fixed or not tho:

    • If you start out with more than one cammy tabs in your inv it will use all of them at once instead of just using one and running to cammy bank
    • When it logs out and runescape updates it will continue to try and log in even thought it says "Runescape's been updated" maybe patch it so it'll terminate the script when that happens? 
    • Not sure if this is a problem or not but i noticed this: If you set it to aggressive  all i saw was it attack other peoples crabs, maybe make it so on aggressive it attacks all crabs instead of just other peoples.




    Good suggestions, especially the aggressive one which I must have left out, thanks mate I will add these

  2. Last update for today guys, going to sleep now. Just making sure the script is 100% flawless :p


    Version 3.15


    - No longer gets stuck in bank dialogue sometimes

    - Added some more GUI items to make it less confusing

  3. Well that's not the issue though. The issue is why is it banking instead of dropping? They should be dropping regardless

    It's banking because of a small misplacement of code, it should be fine if you don't enable it for now (until the update is pushed).

    Thanks & apologies to all.

  4. Wow, that was fast! Awesome support mate.


    Sure, I would love to try out your range guild script. It looks fantastic!


    Also, what's the status on your quest bot? I'm not a gold farmer, but I sure am lazy. That's looking mighty interesting to me!


    Still in development sadly :( it's not ready for release just yet :P


    And answer my question about the GUI settings, I am curious as to the reason the bot acted the way it did


    Done, gave you a week trial for now.


    Development status


    I am going to rewrite this script, it will take a few hours to fully complete, but it will be worth it. The focus of this re-write will be interactions. Smoother and more fluid interactions will be featured.

    • Like 1
  5. I'm a little bit unsatisfied with this bot. It's very bot like, and I'll do my best to explain what I mean by that since that's a very broad statement.


    It doesn't find it's own crabs. It only attacks crabs that are already being attacked by other players. It also does the same mechanics as it approaches each crab. It walks up to it, pauses, and then starts attacking.


    I keep getting called out by other players, even while not being AFK and consistently communicating with them. I've also been reported numerous times now.


    I'm going to take a break from this script for a while in an effort to avoid getting banned. The person above mentioned something about an exchange for a different script. Would that be possible? If so, it would be greatly appreciated. I don't necessarily think it's the way you coded it, I just think it's the way the area and monsters were designed that make it so obvious that it's a bot.


    Sure I can give you an auth, but have you tried each GUI setting?


    For the own crabs, it only fights other people's crabs when you have aggressive mode turned on, otherwise it will just look for empty crabs and it will go for them.


    As for the same approach mechanic, I will make it more fluid in the next update, thanks for that.


    In the mean time, choose a script from my signature (I would recommend range guild) until I add these updates.

  6. The fishing script keeps going to bank sardines when I did not click any banking options in Lumbridge. I had it on for "drop other fish" and "check equipment". 

    EDIT: I've also tried ticking the "anti-pattern dropping style" but it still goes to the bank


    Fixed. Anything else? I'm going to announce an update soon.


    EDIT: wait, why are you selecting drop other fish? It will ALREADY drop everything you have. Cmon man, I'm starting to suspect these are user issues instead of script issues now.


    Version 3.14


    - No longer banks when selecting drop other fish

    - Now disables the drop other fish option when dropping to avoid confusion


    Update should be live within an hour.

  7. CzarAdvancedFishing




    I will use your fishing bot again. I will tell you if any problems arise. If It happens to screw up more than twice, could I have my script switched? Or atleast run without kinks for atleast 4-6 hours.


    As long as you make a detailed post, yes. I can give you 2 more of my scripts for free

  8. Instead of a refund, could i exchange it for your range script? This script rarely works for me for longer than 3-4 hours 

    I'm not trying to be rude, 

    i'm sorry if it came off that way.. sad.png


    You can have both, until this one meets your standards. Just give me a list of improvements (in detail) on what to improve with this script and I will activate your auth.

  9. There's a packet within the RS client which checks if the client has been modified (injected in our case) and that seems to identify the fact that the player is using a bot client. 


    Then, as maxi said, the second strategy involves profiling using their fancy analyzers etc, I really don't know anything about that, but it seems the most likely answer.




    and the way mirror works, is by copying the original runescape JVM, injecting it, then sending back the data, so the original jvm is not modified at all. Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong!

    • Like 2
  10. Version 3.13


    - Fixed powerfishing


    Update will be live within an hour :D


    Guys, I am changing the name of the script due to some scripting rule changes, any body have an idea what to name it to? Can't be flawless/perfect/good anything that makes the script look flawless. I was thinking Infinity, or maybe just Czar.


    If anybody has a good idea I will give them an auth to all my of my scripts unlimited.

  11. On the options I set it to afk training, does this mean its meant to stay in one spot right and wait for respawns? Because it doesn't. It just runs off using the minimap even though I haven't ticked the use Minimap option. After attacking maybe 1 rockcrab it will run south to try and reset the area. This is the reason I wanted a trial before buying it lol. Tell me if that is enough information.


    Thanks for the response, and I have tried to make it stay in the same spot until the crabs are no longer aggressive, then it will walk south/enter cave, however there appears to be a bug.


    I will add a timer so that if the crabs don't attack you for at least 3-5 seconds, then it will reset aggro (walk south/enter cave).


    Update coming soon :P

  12. I'm not sure how many times I have to post it in the thread before you read/understand it...lol. Barbarian fishing next to the outpost leaping trout/salmon/sturige. Bot will catch a full inventory and use your anti-drop method of skipping over fish, but it will not come back and drop those fish it skipped over. It will go straight back to fishing even if the inventory is half full.


    Edit: I posted it on page 30, 31, and twice now on 32 all the same details that I just posted above


    Other than that, this has been a great script for me so far. By far the best fishing script I've used on OSRS. Keep up the good work


    Ah, I thought I fixed it lol, I will investigate this and provide an update within ~30 minutes.


    @Bamboo, what do you want this script to have that will satisfy you, I have fixed all the issues except powerfishing which I will have fixed by 30 minutes


    I will give you an auth for my range guild until you are happy with this script. The auth is unlimited for now.

  13. Thank you for the detailed response @Farkforce, I will fix this in the next version.


    As for @wilderniss, I am still waiting to hear what is broken in your point of view, so that I can fix it and we can all be happy.

  14. Any chance that powerfishing is going to be fixed soon? 


    What's wrong with powerfishing, explain in detail and I will fix ASAP.


    EDIT: Just tested powerfishing system for 3 hours.. works fine. Did salmon in barbarian village.

  15. The problem is that over the time i've used this script, I had to wait time for the next update more than I could bot. Not that there are any problems right now, I don't think.


    I know, this happens to other scripts too man, we just have to be patient. OSBot makes updates, RS makes updates, both updates can affect scripts, then scripters have to update their scripts etc. If nothing changed, scripts would never break, ever

  16. I would like a refund if possible, bought yesterday but keeps on crashing or failing..

    Longest run was 4 hours where after i found myself dead in lumbridge...


    There is no need to get a refund because the script works fine, you are just using it wrong. What level is your account, what food are you using, what GUI options, have you used latest client, what 'crashed' or 'failed'? The bugs (if any) are not permanent, they can be fixed in a matter of minutes. Just tell me where and I will fix it.

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