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Posts posted by Czar

  1. ill try it again and if it messes up ill record the issue so you can see what happens exactly

    also what about your fleshcrawlers script? Id like to exchange that if possible


    Sounds good, make sure to keep the console log open. That script is still new and may have some flaws for now, so for now it's only best to use my fisher or my range guild

  2. yes, it just sits there with the bank interface open. I think it is because it can see the fishing spots through the interface and gets confused, thats just a theory though.


    Possibly, I will investigate right now. Thanks for the feedback :D

  3. Playing in a germany world while I am from the Netherlands.


    I don't know what to say bro, keep changing worlds until you find a good one, or check your internet connection (maybe too many mobile phones connected to your router?) or maybe you're downloading something, it could be anything man

  4. Version 3.5


    - No longer teleports when at the camelot teleport spot (waste of tabs!)

    - Pathfinding fixed, now walks to correct side

    - Teleport spells now work again

    - Added Rock timer, so it doesn't keep running out

    - Made some improvements to AFK mode

    - Paint calculations fixed

    - Hop at X players option


    Future updates will include a GUI slider for aggression:


    0% - no aggression, attacks your crabs only, stays peaceful

    25% - slight aggression, attacks nearby crabs which everybody is attacking (1+ people)

    50% - medium aggression, attacks closest crab regardless if its somebody else's

    75% - high aggression, only attacks open crabs, never runs out

    100% - maximum aggression, attacks everything, sometimes follows target players and takes their crabs


    Running out option:


    - A GUI option to allow/disallow the player to refresh crabs (just in case of emergency)


    I will provide more updates to allow the user to let the script function exactly how they wish, as well as a list of features for emergency (when the bot breaks for example) so that the script remains functional.

    • Like 1
  5. I keep dcing every 2 hours is there any reason for that?


    EDIT: I haven't made any changes towards the settings etc


    Hmm try hopping to a world that is near your country, I hope #LizardSquad isn't back to ddos the servers :E

  6. Alright Csar, thanks for all the effort you're putting into solving these issues. Could I have an auth for your Perfect fisher in the mean time?


    Yes you may, just provide me a detailed list of issues and I will activate it immediately. I need a TO-DO list for the time being. I would really appreciate it guys!

    • Like 1
  7. Ah that's where the problem is, mirror mode doesn't work well with rock crab scripts (because of the npc type) sad.png I will try do some workarounds though.
    To re-iterate:

    Alright guys, since there are clearly issues for the GUI options, can you use NO options (no aggressive, no afk, no minimal walking, no fancy stuff) and let me know how it goes? It should buy me some time to fix them. I will give you all auths for my other scripts but I just need to make sure this one is perfect so everybody is satisfied



  8. I have still been having issues while fishing monks, the script seems to get stuck in the bank window sometimes, and also sometimes missclicks on the talk to option when banking and gets stuck there.


    Fixed. What do you mean stuck, it just stands in the bank while the bank interface is open?


    Version 3.16


    - No longer gets stuck in ANY dialogue (used to be just banker)

  9. Alright guys, since there are clearly issues for the GUI options, can you use NO options (no aggressive, no minimal walking, no fancy stuff) and let me know how it goes? It should buy me some time to fix them. I will give you all auths for my other scripts but I just need to make sure this one is perfect so everybody is satisfied

  10. how do you get this to bank if there is no option for it? mine just klls crabs (very well i might add)


    It will automatically walk to bank when you are out of food. If you have teleports it will use them to get to camelot faster :P


    Czar, on 29 Mar 2015 - 3:30 PM, said:snapback.png


    Doesnt make longer runs as 3-4 hours for me. I dont know where it fails, cuz i aint home all day watching my bot.

    But last time it died.

    Can i maybe exchange it for your rangeguild bot aswell? Would really appreciate.



    Give me detailed feedback and I will activate an auth. and what combat level + hitpoints is your account? I very rarely get reports of dying here.

    • Like 1
  12. Version 2.44


    - Now detects mage training

    - Now withdraws food last

    - No longer allows dying for noob accounts

    - Eat amount floor set to 30% of hitpoints level

    - Added timer for aggressive mode, so it doesn't refresh crabs immediately


    Update should be live within a few hours.

    • Like 1
  13. I'm training magic there now can you please add a xp per hour and goals for magic because it doesn't show at the moment and can you also make sure that when i click load inventory that it wont bank the runes or something or try to find more in bank? (i havent tested this yet whether it does this or not but i've taken all the runes out of the bank that i need to cast the spell fire bolts)


    atm im using a smoke staff with mind runes only for fire botls just maybe make it magic friendly this script please biggrin.png I've started it now and im going to go out hopefully nothing goes wrong when it goes to bank smile.png

    hmm I may need to make a separate handler for magic, to sort the runes.. tell me how it goes I will provide a quick update after

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