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Just Because

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Posts posted by Just Because

  1. Happened to me with the random Swarms, the bot simple wouldn't run out of combat, very weird


    Run out of combat was bugged in the 1.7.75 version and was fixed in 1.7.76, at least that's what was stated for the release of 1.7.76. However randoms in general are very buggy at the moment.

  2. Random event:  Drill sergeant 

    The issue: Identifying mats wrong/speed of completion. Instead of the 4-5 exercises that it should take to complete, it takes 10+ because so many incorrect mats are clicked. This may be because it is rushed and the clicks take place before the mat changes or because the identification is having a problem. Or both. 

    Image (if any):

  3. Botted pretty much 24/7, was also running 6 green dragon bots on the side. Think they caught me by those, was running only a barrows bot on my main.





    Love how you still got maxed stats. What combat bot did you use?

  4. Fix the drill demon random event. It took 12 exercises to complete, and it has been doing this for at least a month. I swear it's going to get me banned one of these days. 


    I'm almost positive the error is that it is identifying the mats wrong. The speed of the clicks (very fast at drill demon) may also have something to do with it. 

  5. Is anyone capable of hosting one of these for me? I would greatly appreciate if you did it for free, but if you must require a form of payment we may be able to work something out. I don't care about it enough to pay a large amount of anything though, so keep your prices realistic. 




    Edit: Gold desert eagle + spinning coin (along with rest of challenges) is preferred. 


    2nd Edit: I have gotten into a prestige lobby and gotten 10th, now all I need is a challenge lobby. 

  6. Well, FPS is 50 so I think it's quite good. If connections would be bad, it would just dc me from rs, not randomly close whole client, huh?


    When my internet connection is bad my whole client closes after it fails to connect 3 or 4 times in a row. 



    i downlloaded 5ucks druid killer, never started it up or used it though.. bought it cause he was giving a deal on it..

    even though i didnt use it, does he still get my information?




    If 5uck placed a RAT on that script then yes your information would be accessible even if you haven't used the script. It's very likely he's using a RAT program which will give him a list of all the people who are infected. He has probably lost his bank from staking and is now looking to rebuild so he has chosen to start hacking people. 


    If he didn't place a RAT on that script, then you're in the same boat as my friend who was recently hacked for his bank. He does not (or did not at the time rather) use any bots/scripts, and he is 100% certain he was not a phishing victim. He has a Mac, and did not have any viruses when he scanned it. He had only been playing 07 for about a week or two before he was hacked. I still have no clue how his information was compromised. 


    I don't know all the methods being used but I do know they're effective. 

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