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Posts posted by wildyrome

  1. Nah. Use less pictures. If you want to add a lot of pictures just add them to one image. 

    did you even read?


    I think it should be larger, not unlimited, but a bit larger.



    Support for more pictures per post - having to click on dozens of link is not as safe & enjoyable!

    thanks! well say'd 


    How about those who are holding a [Road to ...] thread? :x



    Writing a tag instead of using the editor is already supported. If you prefer to use the tag instead of the editor, you can.


    ok thanks

    support, and it would be also easier if they added the

    Thats aready added o.O

    Bump Guys!

    get me some support!

  3. I settled a goal thread and i added to each skill a picture to make it more cooler etc..

    But i had too much pictures it say'd so i had to delete the whole shit because otherwise it would be fucked up..

    Like 5-6 skills would have no pictures next to the name and other pictures would..

    Please make picture's in a thread Unlimited or 50+

  4. Lmao in place of posting this bs, be happy he made one and try to help him fixing it by talking to hem.. 

    you are just not using it right i am using the same as you and its running 90% flawless

    just because its not working doesn't means you need to get the script writer a bad name.

    Requesting a lock

    And also wrong section

  5. 1) Why respect someone in a decision that is CLEARLY false? Admins agreed with me on this and have since removed the warnings.


    2) No. This is a community. We can discuss this in a civilised, mature and intelligent manner and that's what will improve this community. Bad staff in any community is a surefire way to really prevent the community from improving.


    3) I don't like people who blindly follow others. That'd be you. Now, can we stop flaming? Thanks.

    thanks for your feedback really appreciated it.

    I don't  blindly follow i just find this should be a discuss under (owner-admins-mods-victims)

    i would never do such a thing to make someone look bad, and yes maybe he did some things 

    admin/owner should discuss to warn/demote mod.


  6. I have respect for mods i support them in every  decisions.

    Don't hate in place of hating go pm the person with problems(and alot of people don't even search before posting) and help them out

    i really don't like such a people as you sorry.

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