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Super Man

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Posts posted by Super Man

  1. Buying 1B RS3 GP. Lowest offer wins. Will probably be purchasing tonight



    I will be paying with a verified paypal account with funds that are already on it. I will show ID if necessary. 

  2. This can be done in many ways,i think the easiest  but the lowest quality one is to just make a block were you want to make the fade ,paint it in a black or gray go at filter-blur,gaussian blur and then switch the color to a gray according to what it thinks looks best.You can add some after affects after to make it better.

    Well I already had the shirt made and its in my washer right now


    How much was shirt.. I kinda want one tongue.png

    Well since I bought it on a very nice shirt and since I was only buying one, the company priced it (after tax and shipping fees) at $31

  3. I made 2 versions:





    Your first one was good. I guess I Can't really blend it perfectly so I'll just have to use your first one.



    What's your paypal? I'll send $3






    Btw, here's what the shirt will look like incase anyone was wondering



    Or should I do blue? haha not sure 



  4. Is this enough?



    And yeah, there's no need to pay anyone for this haha.

    Nah man cause you can see the bottom of the monkey


    I want it to be to the point where it's hard to tell where the monkey ends and the whiteness of the shirt begins



    And I'm offering money because then people will actually help me out. It's sad, I know :/

  5. So I want to make a shirt


    However, the picture just cuts off at the bottom and I don't like how it looks










    See how at the bottom the picture just ends?


    I'd kinda like it if someone added a fade so that way the bottom of the pic fades into the shirt



    Whenever I try to do it I fuck up and that's for some reason the only part that I can't do




    I want you to start at the red line and move down.. I don't want the fade any higher than that red line (Hell, make it lower if you could tongue.png)









    I don't have much $ so I'm willing to give 3 bucks via paypal, sorry haha



    Thanks in advance!



    Here's the original image (Make sure you keep it without a background)



    Warning: Large image   ( I had to make it large so it'd be big on the shirt, and yes I understand that the quality isn't the best but oh well)







    P.S. as you can see I started to add a fade, but didn't want to fuck up so I stopped there haha, thanks guys

  6. 66PTk.jpg




    Please just add a blur at the bottom of the picture



    I am going to be putting this on a white shirt and I don't like how the picture just stops so could you please add a blur so it blends right into the white shirt




    Actually I have no idea if a blur would be the right thing to do




    You guys are smart when it comes to art



    Please just do something to the bottom of the picture so that it blends right into the white of the shirt


    Please also remove the background because chances are, the white of the photo will be different than the white of the shirt and you'll see a white box on the shirt and it'll look dumb




    I don't have much money, but if someone does this and it looks well then I'll send them like $2 via paypal



    Thanks in advance

  7. Enlarging a .png without loss of quality is impossible no one will be able to do that. This would only be possible if you had a vector image of the monkey.

    crying irl :'(

    Enlarging a .png without loss of quality is impossible no one will be able to do that. This would only be possible if you had a vector image of the monkey.

    Wait... Thats a jpeg not a .png?

  8. So there's this shirt that I want to make and it's of a monkey. However, the image is very small and it has a background.



    My request:


    Enlarge the image but maintain the quality

    Remove the background


    Thanks :)











    Also, if possible please add a little fading blur around the bottom and along his back so that way it blends in with the shirt (the shirt is going to be black)





    thanks guys :)

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    give him my support and help him with the spreading the facts

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    go on a mass banning spree

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    unban him and say fk it yolo

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    go outside and get off this site

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