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Posts posted by BrownStar

  1. 14 hours ago, Khaleesi said:

    Yes you can, you put your main account at nature altar.
    And you can add a few runners that run on karamja and unnnote essence at the NPC at the shop.

    Yes I’m sorry, I mean 1 bot crafting natures while 2-3 bots feed it. Automated essentially.

  2. 8 hours ago, Czar said:

    I will give this a try, I don't know how that works so I gotta learn off youtube/wiki first :doge: 

    Yea I had to learn myself, I've always just use Blast Furnace worlds. Don't worry about the pedaling part or the fixing pipes part, you'll prob see that in any guide or videos out there. All it would need to do is stand on the tile in front of the Furnace Stove and the Coke Reserve is on the right so it doesnt ever need to move. Best way to do it is to fill your invent up with 28 spades so it can fill all 28 spades with coke, load all 28 into the Furnace Stove then afk for 5 minutes (technically more like 4.5 mins so it doesnt run out), then fill the spades up with Coke again and load the Furnace Stove, then afk again. Very little game interaction but you could have one single acc loading stove and hundreds pumping for strength xp.

    Obviously I'd love for you to add this, but if that's not something you're interested in, I'd be interested and willing to pay for a private script that just has this feature and the strength pumping feature. I can provide a few accounts if need be. DM me if you'd be willing to do this instead.

    • Like 1
  3. 41 minutes ago, Khaleesi said:

    You shouldn't be using runners who have access to pouches tbh, bann rate on runners is high.
    You are better off adding 1 extra acc instead of leveling them up

    Makes sense, didnt know I could add more than 1 runner to 1 master so that kinda solves that! Thanks for the tip!

    Also, I know this should be on the Blast Furnace thread but do you think you can add a feature for loading the furnace with coke? Like the strength pumping feature but someone has to be loading the furnace for extended periods of time and these days theres hardly every anyone there even in the community dedicated worlds

  4. Anyway you can add a feature for loading the furnace with coke? Like the strength pumping feature but someone has to be loading the furnace for extended periods of time and these days theres hardly every anyone there even in the community dedicated worlds

    • Like 1
  5. Just purchased, love it so far. It doesnt support Master/Runner for ZMI tho?

    Also, could you add support for rune pouches with the runners? Ex. Trade Master pure ess - empty pouch trade again - bank fill pouch -bank fill invent - and so on. More time per trip but more runes per trip and also more time for runner to restore energy (especially with graceful)


  6. 3 hours ago, iljalolilja said:

    when i want to log in ,it dont give me buttons stealth and mirror. what to do?

    it says Status...  . And nothing more


    2 hours ago, Gunman said:

    Half the people didn't even read what the issue was lol

    Restart the client, if it still stuck on status restart pc and try deleting OSBot folder, and try restarting it a couple times after. Save the account and proxy file located in local of OSBot folder if you don't wanna lose that information saved in the client.

    OSBot folder location -> C:\Users\Computer_Username_Here\OSBot

    Lol right? First of all, the OSBot client is NOT down, only Mirror Mode is down until they update with the new OSRS update, Stealth Injection works fine although let me say it in case you havent been told, do not use Stealth unless you are 100% willing to lose the account and quickly. 

    Second, I had the EXACT same issue after the last update. Tried everything, restart, pc restart, deleted OSBot folder which I quickly regretted, you name it. What finally fixed it for me was simply clicking on the red "Sign Up" hyperlink on the initial OSBot launch window, then close the webpage if you want, then close the OSBot Client and restart it. 

    I've seen far more odd fixes for things before, but I was fuming/laughing/crying after I spent almost 2 hours trying everything in the book and waiting for a response on the Forums. Hope it helps!


  7. Jagex did an update last night so we just have to wait for the OSBot team to update on their end. This happens relatively often with Mirror Mode after certain types of game updates. Usually they have it back up and running within 24 hours of the OSRS update.

    Edit: I should also say that all though it is not recommended, Stealth Injection usually still works fine after each update. Again, I strongly do not recommend unless you are 100% willing to lose the account, all of the experienced botters and scripters with years more experience than I have will tell you the same thing.

  8. Having an issue where it gets stuck standing in one spot in between dreams. Logger says:

    WebWalkingEvent; We have reached our destination!

    entering dream

    going to potion

    Then it will repeat those lines over and over for hours. Thank god it wasn’t actually clicking on anything otherwise I’d be banned already. If I manually enter the dream it does everything else fine but after the dream is over and it takes a break, just gets stuck again

    Mirror Mode, 50ms react, 25fps

  9. 17 hours ago, Khaleesi said:

    Ya you have to create the task on the right location :D So the position gets saved into the file :)
    Glad you figured it out ^^

    Thanks! Also, is your Tithe Farming script not available? I'm very interested

  10. Saved my file and break file to splash fire bolt on Seagulls. I am saving CLI profile and using through the Botting Hub bot manager software. I start the script standing next to the Seagulls at the Port Sarim docks with plenty of runes, armour equipped, auto cast set, etc. but it walks to the G.E. and says "cannot find Seagull everytime. 

    What am I doing wrong?

    EDIT: Nevermind I just saw the "When adding task, current player position is used" and my other acc I use to save CLI files is standing at G.E.    *Facepalm*

  11. 14 hours ago, Kramnik said:

    Dont get attached to their "office hours" at all. They do bans on weekends and holidays too. Maybe they wont do the bans in morning as usual on holidays, but some Jmod will sure get to it sometime thought the day.

    I appreciate the feedback. It does sure seem like they have stepped up the game since a year ago.

  12. I know that the UK does not celebrate Thanksgiving, they didn't sail across an entire ocean and arrive in a free country to be thankful for lol BUT are their "office hours" any different? I know typically they close HQ down other than customer support for 2 weeks over Christmas and New Years so last year I essentially suicided 20+ accounts and only 1-2 were detected.

    So that's really my question, should we assume business as usual over the holiday botting wise?

  13. 31 minutes ago, Muffins said:

    They dont HWID.

    What he said. Your computer's HWID is an 18 digit ID that uses letters and numbers and is assigned to your machine based on data that is read off of your hardware(CPU, GPU, Hard drive, etc.) and cannot be changed without replacing 1 of these components. Your MAC Address, which is usually hard coded into your network card, is another way developers can track you but they are very inexpensive to change and not as difficult to change. Companies like Activision can detect your HWID and ban your device if caught cheating, then a HWID spoofer is required. The reason Jagex does NOT use said method, is because this is a free game, membership is assigned to the acc, where as games like Call of Duty (minus just Warzone) cost money and your HWID is used to register software/purchased games to your machine.

  14. No they do not keep track of your computer's HWID. Yes they do keep track of your IP, meaning your home IP. After getting banned on one IP it is very likely you will get faster banned the next time. 

    No need for a spoofer and the problem with a VPN is that everytime you launch it, it assigns a different IP, yes from that same location but different every time nonetheless. Use proxies and stay off your home IP, which I would assume you have a main acc that you would like to keep safe.

    If you're worried about being tracked, other than using proxies, you could google how to delete the OSRS Client temp files which many believe can be used to detect patterns.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Khaleesi said:

    delete folder and just restart :)

    Deleted folder and restarted... still same problem. Deleted folder again, launcher and any trace of it on my PC and restarted, still says 'Status...' at the bottom

    EDIT: Solved

    Weird, I clicked the sign up link and it opened the OSBot webpage, I then exited the launcher and reopened it and it's back to normal.

    • Like 2
  16. As of today, the script isnt grabbing food out of the bank, at least in progressive mode. Havent tried selecting a specific rooftop. I've got "cake" selected for food and to eat at 40%. I have 100+ cakes in the bank, no PIN set, etc.

    Other than that, loving the script! 10+ lvl 3 accounts have reach lvl 70 without a ban, great stuff

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