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Posts posted by Taynk

  1. Have you had much luck pking with this? Or is it f2p atm


    I kinda want an account like this, i was in the progress of doing so until someone got my account banned in the services section sad.png



    Ouch..sorry to hear that! =\ atm it is f2p (since i've been trying to sell it for a bit now =P) personally I did very minimal pking on it, besides a few fights in edge wildy. I'm not a good pker...but yeah it hits VERY hard for it's lvl + the venom stack makes it so powerful. You can ask the original owner "Risky" about the account and if he used it to pk on at all =P But regardless, gonna shoot ya a pm with my skype. Add me and we can discuss more (even if you don't wanna buy it, I can just try and do my best to explain the account to ya!)

  2. The benefits of this account are reduced greatly now that Smoke staffs provide a magic damage boost too.




    Your signature "greatly" creeps me out lol..

    But yeah what Pain said, it's to auto cast flames of zamorak, as well as cause venom stacking damage for greatly increased maxed hits. Also is a godsword pure too. Nobody pks or will pk with a smoke battlestaff haha.

    So i'd say not rekt. But thanks I suppose Mr Beans =P


    Side note: Try not to act so negative on a forum/website where you are trying to provide a service for people (since you seem to have a questing service). Might help boost the business a bit =]

  3. if this guy drops out i will give 20m for it does it still have sod and occult amulet


    No, I posted the total wealth. There is only junk on the account. If I included sotd and occult that's already just about 20m, so if I took your offer (and include a sotd+ occult), i'd be giving you a free account. The minimum is 25m as stated in the post. Ty for the offer tho =P

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