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Posts posted by xSKYNET

  1. 42 minutes ago, xycmode said:

    First Point - Yes, the account left the tutorial and has 7 QP. I noticed that the problem is corrected when I buy a small fishing net manually (or keep the same one received in the island of the tutorial), otherwise the script is opening and closing the store.

    Second point - Yes, as long as the bill does not stop stimulating, even when the fishing spots are available, then the bill does not engage in any fishing and approaches, leaving the character stuck.

    Last point - This problem only appeared in a small amount of accounts that I tested, I believe this should be a consequence of the second point. If you can get more details about this issue, I'll let you know as soon as possible.

    I'm downloading the new version.



    Re: Point 1

    You need to keep the net from tutorial island or have one in the bank. 

  2. On 1/15/2018 at 9:04 AM, nosepicker said:

    You could just use the file system for this. Bots save files saying that they are ready to mule, mule "listens" for the files and logs in when needed (info provided in file). Would need custom login handler though. 

    Btw seems like you did a good job on this, grats!


    My concern would be if there are multiple servers/computers being used to run bots. Unless there is a network share or something similar, that wouldn't necessarily work. It's certainly something to keep in mind though. 

    26 minutes ago, xycmode said:

    Beautiful Script Bro!
    I will cite some bugs that happened during my process of enjoying this magnificent script, in addition, it is still in beta phase :)

    -When starting some new accounts, the script sends the account to the fishing shop, but often it opens and closes the store, thus leaving the character trapped.
    -During the lumbridge fishing training, the script sends the pesonagem back and forth indefinitely, leaving him trapped and looking like a ping-pong ball (lol).
    -In some evolved levels, the script hangs on the tab that congratulations the player by the level reached. (Very frequent in lvl 28-35).

    I do not have any programming knowledge, but I hope my information will help. :)

    English for my bad sorry xD


    Hmm, could you elaborate on the first point? Is the new account fresh off of tutorial island (with 7QP done)? If so, does it not even bother to collect coins? 

    The second point is something I've been working on for the trout/salmon fishing. The area in which the fly fishing spots exist is quite large.

    The last point is not something I've seen or experienced before. It's checking for level ups pretty consistently during the powerleveling part, and it should be continuing through them.


    Please download the latest version I just posted and let me know if the issues persist. I'll be running another full day trial tomorrow to work out any existing bugs.

  3. 2 hours ago, fgsfdsfgh said:

    only efficient way to automate muling entirely is with SQL databases which i am not efficient enough in. my current bot farm i made is pulling about 10mil a day with little banning but im hesitant of trading it to my main as even my mules get banned. gonna try to make a few with manual tut island. anyone know a safe way of transferrign gp to main?

    I currently mule via having my mules under a different IP (residential) and not logged into the game via a botting client. I've not lost a mule since I started doing that, but I definitely lost some when I muled on the same IP.

  4. 9 hours ago, Snoverb said:

    any chance of a muling script to 100% automate the trade process?

    Sure but the way I envision that would require having a webserver of sorts. 

    Once a bot is ready to mule it would post to the command and control server, wherein the mule accounts are always checking that server for postings. Once the mule sees it, it will log in and the trade sequence would occur. Not sure I'd release that publicly though.

  5. DISCLAIMER: This is my first release, as well as the first script I've written in Java and using the OSBot API. As such, I will consider this script to be in a BETA form until it has the opportunity to be tested further. While I do have some development experience in other languages, this was very much a learning experience for me. I've tested this current version on a handful of accounts without issues, but of course if issues arise  please post them here. This is/was a living project and a handful of the classes were written early on in my learning, with others coming along as I felt more comfortable with Java and the API. 


    Brief Overview

    This script was designed to take a new account that is fresh off of Tutorial Island and train it from 1-40 fishing on its own*. All you need for this script to run is a 'Small fishing net' in your inventory, seriously! Once 40 fishing is achieved it will purchase a lobster pot and head off to Karamja to start farming lobsters. The script also includes semi-automated muling which will be described below.

    Please keep in mind that F2P Karamja fishing is extremely ban prone, and you should only be using (suiciding) this script with lvl 3-4 accounts.

    * You should have 7 QP (I recommend this script to get those QP) before running this script. Muling will NOT work unless you are able to sell and trade lobsters. 

    A Deeper Dive

    The script will perform the following with just a small fishing net in its inventory:

    • Farm enough coins to purchase both fishing rods, bait, feathers, and a lobster pot as well as enough coins to get started on Karamja
      • Coins are farmed via picking grain and selling it on the Grand Exchange -- This takes approximately 1 hour
    • Train 1-6 fishing via shrimps in Lumbridge
      • Bot will head to Port Sarim to purchase rod/bait for the next step
    • Train 6-20 fishing via baiting in Lumbridge
      • Bot will head to Port Sarim to purchase rod/feathers for the next step
    • Train 20-40 fishing via fly fishing in Lumbridge
      • Bot will head to Port Sarim to purchase a lobster pot for the next step
    • Farm Lobsters until your mule conditions are met
      • Lobsters may either be traded noted, or sold on the GE so that coins can be muled (this requires 18 hrs in game time OR 7 QP)



    • 7 Quest Points OR 18 hours in game time-- Required for muling
    • Small fishing net in inventory


    • ~9k+ coins in inventory -- Otherwise, the bot will farm coins for ~1 hour to achieve enough coins to buy gear/pay for travel





    • Mule After X Lobsters
      • Once this number is reached, the bot will prepare to mule either coins or raw lobsters
    • Mule Item
      • Coins
        • Bot will head to the Grand Exchange and sell all of your raw lobsters, and prepare to transfer coins to your mule
      • Raw lobsters
        • Bot will head to Lumbridge, grab their noted lobsters, and trade them to your mule
    • Mule Name
      • The RSN of the account that you'd like your bots to trade items to. The mule MUST be located at the Lumbridge home teleport spot.
      • NOTE: You may leave this blank, but the bot will prompt you to enter an RSN once it's ready to mule. 

    Semi-Automated Muling Breakdown

    Once a bot is ready to mule, it will send a pop-up to your computer/server and play a 'ping' noise to alert you that a bot is ready to mule. The pop-up will contain the expected RSN of the mule as well as the world that the mule needs to be on (bots world). If you've not entered an RSN in the pre-run options menu, the script will prompt you to input an RSN at this time. View the spoilers for pictures of this process.






    • MUST be located at the Lumbridge home teleport spot
      • Once you are on the proper world and on the proper account, click 'OK' to have the bot initiate the muling
    • You must accept the trade offer the bot gives you
    • If you don't accept within 4 minutes the bot will go back to fishing
    • Mule account is responsible for the first and second trade window acceptance (bot accepts back)


    • It will home teleport to Lumbridge once the mule conditions are met
    • It will prompt you to prepare your mule and meet it at Lumbridge on the bots world
    • It will initiate the trade
    • It will say some form of "thank you", "thx", "cheers", etc once the trade is complete -- Not necessary of course but I figured it'd be fun to have
    • If you are muling coins, the bot will give you its coin stack minus 3,000 coins -- These 3,000 coins are kept for travel expenses to/from Karamja

    Miscellaneous Features

    • Will run to a safe spot if the bot comes under attack while fishing (only applies to fishing levels 1-40)
    • Searches the ground for net/rods/bait/feathers if they're accidentally dropped while clearing out a full inventory
    • Will un-click any accidentally selected inventory items
    • Pseudo-humanization (camera movements, checking out other players, mouse movements, checking fishing XP, switching tabs, etc)


    Click Here - Updated as of Jan 16 7:23 PM EST


    Update Log


    • Fixed bug that could cause bot to enter perpetual wheat picking loop if starting out with no coins in inventory

    8Jan2018 v2: 

    • Fixed bug that could cause the bot to become stuck if interrupted by a random while banking
    • Added additional combat checks to force the bot to run to safety if it misclicks an NPC
    • Minor fishing logic improvements
    • Better death handling (muggers/highwaymen/etc)


    • Fixed bug where player would get stuck at the deposit box if they mis-clicked on a crate
      • Fix should also patch up an issue where the player would not deposit its fish if it started out at the box with a full inventory


    • Minor QOL improvements


    Discord: krazyfaken#9019



    EXPLV for his sleepUntil function, as well as some number formatting from his GUI guide

    VladBots for his GE price checker

    noots for his mouse trail code


    • Like 4
  6. On 12/28/2017 at 1:15 PM, Nora said:

    I wonder, if i put this without any "if" conditions, will bot press arrow up button regardless of camera position?




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