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Posts posted by Hanul

  1. 23 minutes ago, Ragnar3 said:

    I Have noticed a big discuss in places about which is the better sport (MMA or boxing), Which do u think and why?

    I'm personally a mma guy it's much better fighting and so many ways to win.

    depends honestly if its a good fight on boxing then its more fun to watch for me but if not its whatever. MMA in general is in general more fun to watch

  2. 26 minutes ago, AsBakedAsCake said:

    For those of you who run your PC 24/7 for botting, how often do you have to replace your case fans, if ever? I bought my PC about 2 years ago for OSRS botting. It's basically been on almost 24/7, CPU sits at about 65%-70% for the most part.

    Now the main problem I'm having is that my case fans keep going bad, I have 3 of them & I had to replace every single one within 6 months of owning my computer. Usually I can tell when a fan is about to go because it starts lightly rattling for about a month or so, then it turns into a loud grinding noise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yAqT0VgAUw

    That's a video from 6 months of use on PC, since replacing back in april of 2017 I'm starting to have the same problem again (no grinding yet, but one of the "new" fans are starting to click/rattle so I know it's coming..)

    Is this a common problem? Is 60%-70% CPU 24/7 too much? I really don't feel like I'm that hard on this computer. Any thoughts appreciated. I don't really mind replacing fans as they're pretty cheap, I'm just more worried about there possibly being a different underlying issue.

    Thanks for any replies!

    umm i never had a problem tbh i had my computer for 5 years and have like 80-85 cpu uses tbh might want to clean your computer or not get shitty fans lol liquid cooler is always a alternative

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