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Posts posted by Yarran1017

  1. On 2/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, Arctic said:


    Yeah changing my highway to EU worked wonders :) I was having trouble even loading the OSRS client on anything when I made this thread.

    since you're australian, can you load rs through osbot? I can't unless i use a vpn but i dont have the best internet nd every vpn i try im just laggy asf not even worth botting

  2. Just bought and ran for the first time and did every quest flawlessly, no deaths and all i did was get 30 range from a fresh lvl 3, very happy :p

    im sure you have a lot of scripts lined up but id suggest tree gnome village, the grand tree & death plateau :) ty for an amazing script

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  3. edit: just purchased it, script seems to be running very nicely, only thing i can say is maybe have it drink up to 1k absorb pts then pot back up to 1k once it hits a certain amount (Maybe 200? or have it as an option in the gui) :p

  4. Goodluck and keep us updated!



    Good luck, lad!




    Long road to go,

    keep yourself motivated by getting all stats lvl 50 than 60 etc

    else the grind will get booring








    ty everyone :p updates will be made some time tomorrow, got school for most of today and don't wanna bot long hours

  5. Welcome to Yarran1017's Road To Max

    Hello everyone, today I have decided to make a brand new lvl 3 acc, I plan on botting and also playing this account legit to see how far I can get, most gold made on this account will be sold off so bank updates won't be necessary. Updates will be made once decent progress has been made on the acc.



    Day 1 (20/12/2016)

    Thought it wouldn't be the smartest idea to bot on a new lvl 3 acc so I hand-trained most of today, did/started a couple basic quests to make the acc look a bit more legit and also bought membership, I botted only around an hour total, a bit of it being fletching but most was spinning flax, this is how I made my starting cash. Now in the process of splashing to train my mage for some quests and also levelling fletching as this will be easy to bot and bring in some nice cash.

    caf7c77c8586555a6a1fc9659ed47477.png db8ae39bd0080bc275166fe8b580308b.png


    Day 2 (21/12/2016)

    Botted a bit of fletching & flax spinning, finished off some quests (waterfall, plague city for herb patch and some f2p's) and currently afking for some cb at rock crabs. About to start doing farm runs so I can make some nice income off herb runs, I will be botting some fletching lvls inbetween this. 



    Day 3/4 (23-24/12/2016)

    Botted a decent amount of fletching, started on farming and got some quests done, currently rounding up my skills a bit while I fletch.



    All feedback/suggestions are welcome smile.png

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