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Posts posted by Minions

  1. 1 hour ago, tilenpickule said:

    I seriously dont get u. Im supposed to sell it for 30/40m when i can get 100m. Nice logic mate.

    Thats only if you did want to, you were not supposed to do anything.

    Been using "was" and "had", not interested in it with the fire cape. Goodluck selling though.

    • Like 1
  2. stats.png.72636f375fcbfbf3b1d5a08e189ae0ea.png

    Not expecting this to be a whole lot, account was purchased from here back in 2017 and found it again by digging around which accounts i still have laying around.


    Might be something to somebody.

  3. Does not have to be anything special, but i prefer the following:


    Halo account (with extra tickets on it, if possible, can be a clean level 3) and/or a pure with at least 40 attack, 60 strenght and 60 ranged, i prefer all other stats to be clean.

    Budget: 50m-60m RSGP.


    I will take a look at everything i get before making a decision, and will be on the lookout for an account that catches my attention.


    Discord: MelloBE#6686

  4. Minion's Services Revived

    Done by hand


    Current Status: Unavailable

    What do they mean?

    Available (I have no current requests i'm working on)

    Waiting (i am done with a request and await payment)

    Busy (Currently doing a request)

    Unavailable (i am currently offline, or away for a period)


    About me:

    I Used to work for @tehgousch for a short time (2017)

    Since 2017, alot changed and i do not have all the time in the world anymore, so, if you are looking for a service that can get something done fast, or large requests, then i will let you know that i'm not your guy.

    however, i do everything as fast as i can manage to do it.


    What does minion do?


    Minions seek master to serve under and do chores, so... oh right, you didn't ask what 'minions' do.

    Currently, here is what I can do and have to offer, the list will grow as my services grow.


    - Powerleveling (can be any skill from any level to required level)

    - Questing (Can be any quest)

    - Account Creation (Such as level 3 bulk accounts, or accounts with a specific skill(s) leveled up and/or quests completed)




    Pricing will be discussed, however, I do rank a few things in their own place.


    When the Skill is mostly AFK'able, and doesn't require my full attention at all times, they will be the cheapest. (such as Woodcutting, or training at sand crabs)

    When the skill Requires most of my attention, they will be priced at a slightly higher price. (such as mining)

    When it requires my constant attention with a lot of clicking around, they will be priced the highest (Thieving, Agility, hunter, Alching and so on)


    Payment Method


    Even though I do not play runescape myself anymore, to keep everything easy I will only accept payment in RSGP.


    Completed Offers

    Pictures got lost since 2017, but the very few services done are in my feedback.


    The OSBot Global T.O.S must be accepted at any time.


    OSBot Global Terms of Service

    1. You may not log into the account during a service unless you have permission from the owner of the service, doing so will result in the termination of the service with NO Refund.
    2. You MUST NOT change the details of the account until the service has been completed, doing so will result in a void service with NO Refund.
    3. If there are any items required for the service, it is between you and the service owner to come to an agreement on who covers them
    4. You MUST change your password after the service is completed
    5. If you have any substantial wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it (Either Bank Pin/Transfer Trade)
    6. Once the service is complete you must leave Feedback for the relevant parties involved
    7. You MUST Post on the service thread to acknowledge their individual T.O.S and start the service

    8. If the Service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S related to bans/mutes become obsolete (Unless evidence can be provided of prior botting)


    Since OSBot's global T.O.S can make my personal T.O.S obsolete at any point, I keep mine very simple.


    1. When you have less feedback or a lower rank then myself at the time of requesting my services, you are bound to a 50/50 Payment agreement, when either of those are in the rare occasion the same as myself, we can discuss.

    2. I have every right to decline and/or stop the service without refund when one of the following things occur:

    - Harrasment

    - Offensive Behaviour

    - You spamming me or distracting me from the service

    - Anything I do not deem to be in line with the OSBot Rules

    - Asking Personal questions


    Contact & Request Form


    Only one Discord: MelloBE#6686


    Before we begin any type of deal, I will ask your OSBot profile, and drop you a message, with instructions.


    When a deal is made, I will ask to fill out this form, and post it on this thread as confirmation:


    Request: (fill in what we agreed)

    Price: (the agreed price)

    Do you agree to the T.O.S?: (your answer)


    After all this is done, I will shortly after quote your request and confirm I have started it.


    Note: This is my Method of assuring you that you are dealing with the right person, any imposter, if where should ever occur one, will not be able to complete this process.

  5. Hi All,


    Today, i would love to put my RS3 account up for sale, as i've outgrown this game, and since this account has been catching dust for over 6 months now ever since i started playing BDO (Black Desert Online).

    Runescape has been a game i've played as early as 2004, but ever since EOC came around, it has been very on and off, to finally this stage, where i permanently can put Runescape aside, this account is the result of attempting to stick to runescape, but not remaining hooked once again after several attempts in the past.


    1. Picture of Account Stats & Info:

    https://ibb.co/cvxc8rG (stats, and the account info in one screenshot)


    2. Picture of total wealth:

    https://ibb.co/j542ftm (bank tab with my torva and drygores, this is basicly the most value in the bank)

    There's a total of 105m in the money pouch, but i took the screenshot before withdrawing the rest and putting it into the pouch.


    3. picture(s) of quests completed (RS3 filters turned on to also only show quests that can be completed):








    4. Price i'm asking:

    30€ in paysafecards (30€ is now the lowest possible price, i will not be going lower.)


    5. The A/W:

    30€ in paysafecards. (price lowered from 50€ to 30€)


    6. Method of payment:



    7. Trading conditions:

    I will only go first to trusted people ON Osbot, no offsite reputation, feedback will be checked and a confirmation of myself and the user will be done so we know we are the same person on both discord aswell as here.


    Middleman required if you do not wish to go first, middleman will also undergo a small user confirmation test to avoid fakes.


    8. account status:

    https://ibb.co/PhfSF6f (membership)

    https://ibb.co/wSLknLM (offence status)


    9. Original and/or previous owners:

    I'm the one and only owner as this is my personal main.


    Worth mentioning:

    Everything that is on the account remains on it, as i said, i've quit runescape for over 6 months, and thus it has no value for me anywhere else.


    The Membership is from the 1 year package, which means you still have extra benefits over a regular member, such as the VIP world. (in total, this account has been a member from such a package twice.)


    Discord: MelloBE#6686



  6. all of the osrs content reveal was good, and i'm in favor of the warding skill as i'm sure that will just be a core starter package, recieving expansions later down the line, i'm also in favor of the new splitbark armors, and rebalancing the 3 mentioned armors.


    Not only for that i'm in favor of warding, but i feel osrs needs a new skill, after artisan and sailing were voted out. further more, the already 2 new splitbark armors, if they reqs will be the same as the standard one, is actually going to make it able for rune/void/zerker pures to brid/hybrid, it's something only done by very high level players now, but that would enable some very early bridding/hybridding possibilities for those willing to traverse that idea, as 40 defence will enable that most likely to wear tanky range and mage armor, as it is with high level bridding/hybridding.


    and then i'm most excited that prifddinas is announced to come to osrs in a osrs version, can't deny it's there, and it's going to be used now, but that will most likely become, like rs3, a hub for very high-leveled players.


    why i'm in favour of warding? it's simple, osrs has already became much more then osrs, and after 5 years now, it's time to have a new skill, and a skill i see alot of potential in.

  7. 2 hours ago, broodjepanda said:

    I have this account Naamloos.png.47bef3f4338b77f016b4aaf8ae53551e.pngUntitled2.png.bf1f73270f5ad6ad2e019699a7534ad8.pngand this one, right one also has b gloves

    how much each are those? they look interesting for sure.

    However, if i do decide to trade with you, a MM will be used, and remember that you MUST be able to provide more then only the e-mail and password.

  8. title says it all.



    Must have 70 or higher in combat stats (prayer is a exception)

    Costs a maximum of 200m.

    Must have 50+ feedback to even consider buying from you, or a higher rank then regular VIP.

    This is a must: you need to be the OO + have the ability to provide as much info about your account (so not only e-mail and password, that will not do)

    a MM is used, unless you have a steady feedback history selling accounts, or are again, high enough of rank. (only then i will agree on going first)


    Hit me up here, or in PM to show what you have to offer.

  9. Got this account, i'm not OO, but have had this account for over 1 full year now, if not even longer, and was also bought before from somebody else who wasn't the OO, i'm pretty confident to say the OO has really stopped playing OSRS and doesn't have any interest in this account whatsoever.


    Quick edit: Has a 4 digit name, that is actually a IRL name possibility for a female.

    Quick edit 2: after deeper researching the name account has (i did rename it to that name, it didn't come like this), i can confirm name is used, but is a extremely rare female name.








  10. tried it yesterday for 10 minutes after a long time, must say it is not performing to my liking.


    Very strange, but it misclicks, doesn't get rid of the rocks that are in the way, instead hops, when trying to avoid players, clicks the ladder multiple times for upper level, causing character to climb up and down few times, when banking, tends to misclick and be too fast while banking ores, initiates the breaking event way to often, after each sack clearing, it breaks for said amount of time.

    did use script in the past without problems, but now just acts all weird together, and is waaay slower then me doing motherlode without script.


    • Like 1
  11. 51 minutes ago, Facalec said:

    That's nothing lol.

    Getting lvl 50 in a shitty skill like WC can be done in a day [probably less].

    I've gotten base 60 in all combat stats on my dev account. It's been well-rested and still isn't banned. However, this doesn't mean my account is safe, as it may still be under scrutiny from anti-cheat.

    and i didn't say i was 'safe', said it can 'reduce your chance of getting banned by alot'.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Facalec said:


    TLDR: Bot = ban.

    If you actually have any knowledge of how to use what's given to you in scripts, then you can reduce chances of getting banned by alot.

    got a account i autoclicked on, botted 1-50 woodcutting and motherlode mine, account is not banned at all and hasn't recieved any ban either. ;)

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