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Posts posted by Aisu

  1. Been botting F2P accounts for the past 2 days, 0 bans 10 hours ingame time, using dangerous scripts like stealth quester etc, but all fine.

    I do manually play every 30 mins pauze the script do the actions myself for 10 mins then repeat

  2. 1 hour ago, Czar said:

    Those logs are the wrong ones, you need to open the console log in the osbot client, then copy and paste. Those logs are from actual java crashes, are you using mirror client? Confirm ^^ :D

    Safespotting - fixed.

    Breaks - fixed, lemme know if it improves. Added a feature to avoid dead-locking the event.

    Strength potions - you are not setting up potions correctly, make sure you do. If you have a low str level, consider overriding the level to sip potions at in the misc tab.

    Pushed an update for v238.1, should go live within a few hours max.

    That was just a small update, the main update will be pushed ASAP, enjoy :D 


    the script is not in the SDN for me? im trying to buy it :(

  3. 2 minutes ago, phiercee1 said:

    woodcutting will definitely end you.  It always has for me.

    Well im just going to see if it will survive woodcutting xD,i mean it survived tutorial island and questing 

    42 minutes ago, bexxe said:

    That's what I would like to emphasize... To lower the banrate, you'll need to do some work manually. Using scripts ONLY isn't going to end up well and you'll get bad news sooner or later. Being f2p and "ONLY" using free scripts is just as dumb as it sounds, so try investing in a bond and premium scripts? Only sharing my ban experiences man, ofc I wish you all the best but I can only share to not be that focussed on "botting everything and doing nothing by hand" because this will eventually result in a quick ban IMO. Nevertheless, good luck with your experiment!

    Edit: Besides using premium scripts, try to keep a second, non bot account to trade over stuff. Bonds are cheap when you buy mills online on your non-botting account and buy them on the GE and any money made should be traded over daily. Have been doing this method for a long time and rarely receive a ban. Try not to bot click intensive skills. Making your account P2P is the main advice i could give, try not to bot directly when finishing tutorial island. Banrates tent to lower when the account gets older. Last tip is to bot at offshore locations and not at, eg. Lumbridge goblins. Doing things in your POH seems to be safer then everything else. Nice project/experiment but would be even better to see you surviving longer and leveling faster.

    already made 8m+ on this account, and it pays for its own bonds. I only use Premium scripts nothing free, thanks for the tips anyways <3

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  4. 5 minutes ago, bexxe said:

    Dude just the hunting lvl is nice, not trying to offend you but:

    - less then 500 total level in 'a couple of weeks' isn't that impressive, but if you like to be "safe" I'll understand..

    - please don't mind doing some stuff manually, like quests to use fairy rings etc...

    - the thing that you can bot all these things and quests doesn't mean you have to do it...

    using different scripts every time is a different kind of clickspeed and would not be supprised if this gets picked up rather quickly by Jagex' detection?

    Currently almost 2 accounts still running and about 1000 total in around 10 days, botted, but quested manually.

    This is just a test to see how far i can get a account, without Suicidebotting or doing it toomuch.

    using ONLY scripts doing nothing by hand. its kind of a challenge.

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