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Posts posted by xXHeidoXx

  1. I want a refund on this. its absolutely awful and you have to continue to watch it and the bot gets stuck and you have to select the next thing.... I have 6 Khaleesi scripts and this is by FAR the absolute worst and by far not worth 4$


  2. So I’ve tried googling a solution and nothing comes up, but I’m trying to do shadow of the storm and your script keeps asking for a p++ dagger so I bought a rune one. Set up a new little melee thing with it only and try and start it and it continues with this issue. I have no earthly idea how to fix it and no where in your initial thread does it state how to handle this. I love your script btw. I just am frustrated trying to get this to work lol. Thank you for the amazing script, but please explain in-depth what needs to be done for this and other quest like it. 

  3. On 10/4/2017 at 9:32 PM, daamurda said:

    make two f2p accounts....bot them both some noob stats like 50 str splash to 30-40 mage if they survive pick the one with the better name to play legit and bot the other one to fund ur account and pay for services that are hand done.

    *espically if u get say 60 atk 70 str 43 prayer u can pay 10gp per xp for nmz services its pretty cheap

    Where have you found where you can pay 10gp per exp..? Thats saying for a skill from 1-99 would cost you roughly 130$ USD if you bought the gold that is. However, when I just checked 5 sites, and from lvl 60-70 it ranged from 26-33$ USD for them to do that service over a 24-36 hour period and they states they would want roughly 500-700k GP on the account to fund the leveling. So if you know of a place charging 10gp per EXP please do tell, cause i'd love to find that. I know you're specifically stating NMZ which is fine, i'm just saying where are these services lol. Cause i'd gladly pay that for some NMZ hand done power leveling.

  4. As the title states, I know they have that new appeal thing where you input your login email/ your current email/ your characters name and that's it.

    However I know there is other ways of contacting them and appealing a ban, such as how Chuckles has his own unbanning service. 

    I'd just like to know these other contact options that people are using to get their accounts unbanned aside from that stupid new appeal waste your time thing I just stated above lol.

    Any help appreciated guys.

  5. As the title states I've used these scripts for over a year now, and I've tried Khal Herblore, AIO Fletcher, and a few others and once I select the script and hit ok the script window disappears like it's going to start and nothing starts and the play button is active with the stop and pause now available.. Any help here guys? I'm also running mirror mode.

  6. Can any of you guys link this new service? The only thing I know if is where you type in the char name/acc email, and hit appeal, Is that the new system? Cause there is no where to like write a paragraph or anything to them. It's literally hit appeal ban, type in char name and contact email and login email of acc and hit submit and wait 28 days... Is that the system you guys are talking about?

  7. It got me as well, I've been told there is a new appeal system, but every time I ask some one for the link to it no one gives it to me lol.

    I've searched and searched and tried to find it and have had no luck.. Can some one please post the new appeal link? I've heard a lot of people are having good luck with it.

  8. I've asked several times on others post with no reply and other people continue to tell me they've had great luck with the new appeal process and everytime I Ask for a link to it no one tells me.
    I've searched and searched google and only found a old appeal form which when you submit it, it tells you it's no longer used...  Can some one please be so kind to link me the new appeal information.


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