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420x Kush

Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by 420x Kush

  1. 2 hours ago, Storm Spirit said:

    What you think about 80 mage/80 range? will it work?

    And does the equipment can only be void? no ahrims ?

    I found I got more kills/hr with Ahrims then I do Void actually :p just personal experience though I'm sure 12 others will say void all day

  2. Well nice account man.. Too bad it's Rs3 :\ I personally would say anywhere from 50-100$ just cause I hate Rs3 though... I'm prolly wrong though so don't listen to me...

  3. 13 minutes ago, Tutorial Island said:


    Can we have a tab of loot tracker? like it shows you all the loot you got in the time you ran it for.

    What he said ^^... would be amazing... know you said you got a v2 coming can't wait to see what's to come

  4. Disputed Member: Anomaly

    Why it should be removed: more so Changed in this case from Neutral to Negative

    Anyways... Not much to type screenshots pretty much show.. I simply feel he deserves negative feedback for the way I was treated without all the extra I completely understand not having the funds or whatever .... shit happens .... to alll of us .... but the extra being rude? Say him an his mod were laughing at me.... just a bunch of needless nonsense and was to extra. IF I'm wrong I'm wrong that's fine but I felt something needed to be said as to avoid it happening to others down the line. Don't want him banned or the transaction anymore just simply the correct feedback left where it is deserved... Plenty others around would be stuck SOL with the feedback being left... I can get more screenshots if that's not enough like I said I got the whole run around for an hour and a half.. plenty more nonsense that was dealt with but hey that's life.

    I did break the rules which I know now after the laughing mod told me, Was aware after Mio warned me about POSTING selling accounts wasn't aware that I couldn't offer one to someone looking for one for that I do apologize and know now not to do it in the future although 3-4 days from now won't matter as I'll have the 100 posts and more feedback. Does that mean I can't sell gold either?

    Details and why above this  - Details about transaction below

    He posted topic which will be below this looking for a League of Legends NA account in which I happened to have with 99 Champions and 41 Skins showed him the pictures of it an we got to talking on Skype an agreed on 20$ for the account and I would also throw in a pretty much fresh 30 ontop of it honestly was just being nice because it's something I haven't touched in ages (have screenshots to prove that to) I told him we could introduce a Middleman of his choosing aswell if he didn't feel comfortable wasn't out to wrong anyone.. simply responding to a topic. All the proof is there, I can show Creation emails since now apparently outta the blue it's a "cracked" account, Debit card used to buy the said 41 skins all my name. Only 1 20$ RP card was ever used on it. I have no reason to do wrong by anyone I'm just here to get my gains like everyone else. Been in the Botting scene for years scene it all done it all the extra drama and arguing is pointless it just effects GP/HR ;D

    Links Below (proof)

    hiden - Needless banter, foul language

    hidden - Came into agreement here will get the rest of it before that but here he asked for login details.

    hidden - More talking confirming identity etc

    hidden - Here's where I started getting a little suspect but I went on with it why not right... 

    hidden - Him claiming that he and "said" Mod were laughing at me....? For what exactly?

    https://gyazo.com/2fcc66219be17fec8b079d30c07b688b - If you scroll down he said he never said yes to buying it... but he did... Like I said I just want the correct feedback.

  5. If ya want a starting point I got this...


    https://gyazo.com/7c327c90db4d6fa28a15ce00f2c42d2f       Been inactive the last 3-4 months 100% hand trained (was gonna be my 10hp rusher)

    https://gyazo.com/c1e239eab27a9c08a9032eddcb334471      (Also has 3mill in Runite Crossbows/Strings in bank)


    Skype me if any interest.. Highly pref Trusted MM (You can pick who)

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