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Everything posted by Funfight

  1. Seems like I'm losing a significant RAM. if you look at the task manager and the cam it doesn't add up at all... losing like half of my memory Any help would be great https://gyazo.com/7e5d236e728471ad6fd4698589f853a7
  2. My apologies for not embedding the photos, I forgot how. If you guys would give me a price check for what you think each of these accounts are worth that'd be great Skiller Stats https://gyazo.com/258f351fe1abe31ffe6fe113bf9cf9da No quests No bans Starter Main acc - Stats Inventory https://gyazo.com/b26112aa27850cdeb35a8d8c92b563ce Quests DT, Lunars, MM1, Frem trials/isles, Fairytail1, etc. https://gyazo.com/eda74b7a46128cd09cabe7c4bad1ee54 Skills https://gyazo.com/227f5b38d5e2fe6d44908f01f48f9024 Bans https://gyazo.com/e9189775ab813e33b39280a9e63740b3
  3. After about 10-20 clients opening via cli the clients start having problems. Almost all clients after these launch without starting any script.. they just kinda open as if you normally opened it despite the cli line. Any help would be huuuge! Thanks
  4. jagex do not flag ips unless if they're used for tut island
  5. Where can I get this shrimp cooker ur talking about hurrr
  6. Having issues buying 2captchas atm. Looking for someone to buy me $15 worth for 18m. Msg me on skype @ funfight
  7. what exactly is a script officers job? approve scripts for the sdn?
  8. add me on Skype @ funfight
  9. Just because you stopped paying child support doesn't mean you're not my dad, dad
  10. Made mine when I was 8 years and I had seen the fantastic 4 at the time (not that silver surfer shit) and I liked the saying flame on. So I became fameon... that's for my rsn. Funfight started from a osrs ps years ago bc I had fun fighting
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