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Posts posted by Chikan

  1. This site is only big enough for one chicken mate

    But I'm Chikan, Google the definition. :kappa:

    The chicken avatar is just a cover to my true motives.

  2. I use to work at Subway back in highschool. I would not eat their meatballs ever. The night crew puts through meatballs in a cambro and puts it in the back up fridge and the morning crew comines in and just microwaves it and puts it back on the line. I would only eat the pre sliced meat there like turkey and ham. Strips and Over roasted chicken just sit and sit over time. They usually expire within 48 hours. Subway just makes us change the labels for 2 more days ( so inspectors dont fail us )

    Still tastes delicious fam.

  3. Well I think I have a pretty good idea of what they're worth, but I don't see them often and don't really know if there is a market for them. As in, how many people want a def pure?

    Nobody fights them in PvP, nobody will stake them. It's become a very niche account that doesn't have much uses other than vanity.

    But that's just my opinion.

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