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Posts posted by Chikan

  1. people dont really hate anime.

    people just hate the faggots who watch anime, usually have a 6year old anime girl as thier profile picture and usually are fucking annoying

    It's a waifu you uncultured swine, you probably don't even respect the culture you even Japanese bro???????

  2. well its came out hes been "hacked" so ive lost 100m and not sure how the fuck am getting that back.

    but its last time i do business here. paypal alot safery

    If that's the case, then due to his accout security he might get put in TWC and be asked to pay. I've seen it happen before, we'll just have to see how it pans out.

  3. My only concern is if I run 1 bot, it lasts for me to get about 75 wc then the ban. I ran 3 last night, fresh accounts, and two were banned before log in. So that gave me the feeling that it wasn't creating new caches and they banned me.

    Or you're IP is flagged & botting on f2p. Either way, buy proxies. :doge: I hear Xylate has a good stock at affordable prices.

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  4. Good to know your game knowledge is about the same as your IQ. There is no divine on 07. I Only had to refund you the account price, It's not my fault if you get an account hacked and try to milk me for money after i recover it for you.

    Straws are being grasped at. :facep:

  5. off fuk chikan :boge:

    Change back your avatar

    Playing professionally vs playing runescape (not botting) is totally different. At his age he should have a real job.

    Who gets to choose what a "real" job is, why do you get to decide what considers a real job. If he's relatively happy doing what he does, and it's enough to support himself and his family who are you to judge?

  6. I'd be pretty triggered too if I had to provide for my family by playing runescape. You talked about being a man, how are you a man if you play an online game to support your family?

    What's wrong with playing games to make a living?

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