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Posts posted by frozen8

  1. HAHAHAHAHA! That was funny... The thing is, since you did post it, everyone who downloads it can decompile it and see your code. Gf to your code. LOL


    I don't care I wasn't hiding anything and people were still complaining it was a virus lol.



    They could decompile recompile or what ever they want I would not even care lol

  2. Hey I'm trying to remove the jar from the jar I'm building when I compile the script but it seems like the OSBot.jar always stay inside. I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and I changed the Setting of the Project Structuve to Provided instead of Compile and it always stay with the jar file. Is there a special way to do it?


    Thanks for the help!

  3. I did some modifications now and it seems to be working fine.


    Also now another minor problem :)

    When I use that path:

        private final Position[] pathToHassan =
                        new Position(3275, 3169, 0),
                        new Position(3279, 3177, 0),
                        new Position(2388, 3180, 0),
                        new Position(3291, 3172, 0),
                        new Position(3292, 3167, 0)

    Sometime the bot click a couple time at the same position for some weird reason.


    I use this to go to a certain location:


    Thanks a lot guys for helping me out so much! :)


    The API states that #getItem() returns a type of item. The method you want is ItemContainer#getAmount(String ... items)



    int amt = getInventory().getAmount("Jug of Water");



    Thanks it's working!


    Also I'm having one last issue with the door.


    My current code to handle the door is this:

            if(!myPlayer().isMoving()) {
                RS2Object largeDoor = objects.closest(new Filter<RS2Object>() {
                    public boolean match(RS2Object rs2Object) {
                        return rs2Object != null && rs2Object.getName().equals("Large door") && rs2Object.getPosition().equals(new Position(3293,3166,0));
                if(largeDoor != null){
                        try {
                            log("Opening the door");
                            return true;
                        }catch(Exception e){
                            log("Door is already open");
                            return false;

    The bot isn't Facing the camera on the door and doesn't interact with it.


    Thanks for helping me smile.png

  5. Facing camera to NPC: getCamera().toEntity(NPC);

    Is your jug of water noted? inventory.getItem() returns the first found item, so you could be getting an unnoted one (hence getting 1), and none should very well be 0 as there are 0 jugs.



    No they are not noted. I'm trying to get the number of Jug of water in my inventory.

  6. Is there a reason why this is always return 0 or 1 (0 of there's none and 1 if there's any)


    It's not boolean it's suppose to be integer.

    inventory.getItem("Jug of water").getAmount()

    Also is there a way to Face the camera to a NPC?



    Thanks for the help!



    Why so cheap? Because they're pretty mediocre.


    Do you do anything other than thread layouts? Learning to biggrin.png


    So you tell is pretty medicore but you don't know how to do them yet? Are you serious lol.... At least you're trying to make money lol 

  8. Could you tell me your setup? I'm maxxed melee and I still use about 1-1.5 doses per chest.

    I only drink prayer pot at Dharok. I don't use Prayer pot anywhere else.





    OSBot client version: 2.3.90


    Mirror mode (Yes/No): No


    Detailed bug description:

    So if you have prayer point left at the chest. The bot will deactivate it and reactivate it. So maybe if you can do a checkup before deactivating it and enabling it right after it would make the bot less bot like.


    Script Status & Current Task (As displayed in the paint): Opening Chest


    Screenshots (If available): N/A


    Relevant logs (If available): N/A




    First time being that lucky :D  (2k chest +) 



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