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Posts posted by HeyImJamie

  1. 21 hours ago, BravoTaco said:

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Ive had it re-loop after failing to put an item in and it did not break it. If there is a specific part of it that will break if it has to re-loop let me know.

    For the lag ill have to test it once i get home by limiting bandwith for the connection lag and using low resource mode for game lag. Ill let ya know what breaks, since im pretty sure something might. 🙂

    Update: I tried it out with 10 fps, 232ish ping, and mirror mode set at 1000ms reaction time. It never broke but I did notice that if you are currently in a trade and it does loop back it will exit the trade and re-trade with the person, this should be fixed now though.

         if (trader.trade("BravoTaco")) {
                if (trader.offerItem("Rune scimitar", 1)) {
        public boolean trade(String playerName) {
            Player player = mp.players.closest((Filter<Player>) player1 -> player1.getName().equals(playerName));
            if (player != null) {
                if (player.interact("Trade with")) {
                    new ConditionalSleep(10000, 100) {
                        public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
                            return ((inTradeWidget = mp.getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("Accept")) != null);
                    return inTradeWidget != null;
            return false;

    Seems like it would get stuck for 10 seconds trying to trade the player if the offer screen was already loaded.

  2. Seems like this would be very reliant on every action executing successfully. If the script ever has to re-loop because of a failed action or just general rs lag, it will break.


  3. 24 minutes ago, Malcolm said:

    Yes, check the sprite instead of using child widgets :doge:

    Then why not tell him that :boge: The guy can't figure out widgets, tell him to press 1 and he'll be spending his botting days typing 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 in game

  4. Welcome to my NMZ Account Shop.

    Pricing: $15 / Acc.
    Accepted payment methods: OSRS Gp, BTC & ETH.

    Accounts will come with the following:

    60/60/60 Combat Stats


    Fully Quested (RFD Rock Cake, MTD & Grand Tree)


    No Registered Email & No Bans





    Discord: HeyImJamie#3244


    Terms of Service:

    - I am the OO for all the accounts and am therefore responsible for recovery. 
    - If you decide you no longer want the account, you have the right to sell it back to me at 70% of the accounts original cost.
    - The account will come with no email registered, I suggest setting this right after purchase.
    - These accounts have been partially botted and rested, so I will compensate any bans that occur within 24 hours of purchase. Any further than this and that is your responsibility, unless you can prove without reasonable doubt that the account has been botted on since purchase.
    - Payment must be made in full prior to being given the accounts details.
    - By placing an order, it is assumed you have seen this thread and therefore agree to this TOS.


  5. 11 minutes ago, dewitupguys123 said:

    You guys would never say the shit your saying to me in real life, im completely right and willing to argue it. 

    Jagex's bot watch is likely to be heuristic based. From what I understand, location is one of the many things they'd use to identify you as a bot. Other things could be IP, play duration, etc, but these are all assumptions. No one knows exactly what causes bans, and if someone does, it'd be kept secret anyway. Duel arena is also 'heavily' botted, as staking can be seen as a very profitable method, and it was also previously used to transfer / mule gp, so it's likely that this location is actually 'noted'. 

  6. 4 hours ago, freedom1 said:

    Thanks for the help once again, I have gotten rid of the sleep, it was late and I was trying things.

    After talking with another scripter, he said the arceuus spell book is currently broken. The method of using the castSpell(), waiting, then a mouse click over the spell area does work. This also gets rid of the error.

    Try making your own Spellbook API with widgets. This would be good experience for you. :)

  7. It generally depends on the complexity of the script you're making and how you like to code. You're only coding for OSRS, so it's easy to pick up bad practices, and it generally doesn't matter too much. For example, a zulrah killer's been written in a singe class before, but it's just horrific to maintain. Find something that works for you :)


  8. Go look at how conditional sleeps work in the API. That should fix your issue. :) Rather than sleeping though, I suggest creating an animation timer. The benefit of this over a conditional sleep would be that should your event break through a level up etc, it'll react quicker than it would with your conditional sleep setup.

    • Like 2
  9. 16 minutes ago, Vogelbekdier said:

    All beginner clues got ID 23182 and model ID 37162.

    Yes, I might have been too ambitious making a clue solver as one of my first Scripts however, I have learned a lot from what I've got so far.

    Unfortunately, the way I wanted to structure the script is not working out for me.

    I was planning on opening the clue and grabbing the Message from the widget and applying it to a variable that I want to use in a switch() to complete the task.

    I came up with the following code for my onLoop() but it's not working.

    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
        String clue = clueTask();
        if(clue == null) {
        } else if(clue != null) {
            switch (clue) {
                case xyz:
                    //complete task
                case xyz:
                    //complete task
        return 3000;

    I'm pretty sure that's not the case. I don't have a beginner clue to test, but I know for every other clue type they all have their own individual IDs. With IDs, you can store each clue in an enum.

  10. Clues have IDs. I suggest using them rather than trying to figure out which clue is what from the interface. I'd also suggest either starting with a simpler script, or stopping and learning basic java before trying to progress onto something this 'advanced'. It'll save you a lot of hassle 😛


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