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Posts posted by roguehippo

  1. Hey there people, Very long time no see. I wanted to get back in the game so I created a script ive been thinking about for a while. here are some details

    roguehippos Splash Alcher


    Easy setup

    (will start splashing on any agro'd mob)

    Casts Any Debuf Spell    

    (confuse, curse , stun, etc)(1-80)

    Option to alch after each splash

    189k magic xp/hr.


    9zpuiYI.pngPlan on adding:


    9zpuiYI.pngReAgroing after a logout

    9zpuiYI.pngHopping worlds if someone took your splashee

    (side note) I might be mistaken but I think I remember something along the lines of not being allowed to release magic scripts that only do one thing? Would i be allowed to release this as a paid script? thanks for your time :)

  2. Hey there community, I am making this post in order to let you know about my new script and in order to try and submit it to the sdn! ?I was trying to think of a useful script to upload for an attempt at a first script upload to the sdn. The price of zammy robes seems quite high (around 2k a piece) so i decided to whip up a script to farm them, it was a bit bigger than I thought but it handles alot. Anyway , on to the script.

    What It Can Do

    Kills Zammy monks in chaos altar by goblin village,

    loots robe pieces for $$$,

    banks in falador west bank, has option for teleport to fally

    World Hops for optimal monk murdering,

    eats any food + sets food automatically, wine drinking support.

    pray melee + restore at altar



    It is pretty much working, let me know if anyone is willing to test it out before I send it out to be uploaded.



    • Like 1
  3. hey guys, its been a while since ive posted a new script and wanted to once again let the community know im still alive and trying to create new scripts but i have a job now so a bit low on time. anyways. i just finished this great script for cannoning slayer tasks because i wanted to train some alts. Im hoping to eventually release this is a cheap script as a first script after i am allowed to upload paid scripts onto the sdn. 

    now onto the script...


    safe spotting , refilling cannon with cannonballs

    repairing cannon , attacking agro'd mobs , paints safespot

    praying any protect prayer while refilling cannon

    drinking prayer potions, drinking antipoison or antidote++

    eats any food or drinks wine, stops when slayer task runs out!

    option to paint cannon (to make sure you selected the right cannon)

    easy to use gui



    combat stat potions (ranging , super attack / str) 

    looting drops (possibly off grande exchange price)

    attacking mobs only in user created area (currently attacks closest , with a filter)


    please let me know what you think of this and if you would be interested in purchasing this script or any suggestions on things I could possibly add.


    also, tips / ideas for a script I can make easily to submit in order to get scripter status would be greatly appreciated :) thanks 

    hope you have a nice day.


    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Seriously said:

    East spot is the old chicken spot(near the river) and then there is the "new" huge chicken pen that got added later (north of the sheep shearer house, west of the river)


    im shamed to admit that i didnt know there was a cooking pot next to this one. should i update the script to work there aswell?


  5. 55 minutes ago, Seriously said:

    Which chicken pen, east or west? Both of them have house near with cooking pot (webwalker will probably walk you to the right one..)

    umm its the one across from the cows. and above goblin fishing spots sorry i cant think of where the other one is.


  6. Hello guys long time no see. I wanted to keep myself practiced with scripting so I decided to remake an older script I had. 

    This is a chicken cooker script. It will walk to the lumbridge chicken pen and pick up chickens that bots are probably always killing and cook them at the cooking pot right next door.

    This is great for mass creating accounts that need cooking but you dont want to invest any money into it. can probably get 30 -40 cooking in a night but i havent made paint / xp /hr stuff yet so i cant be sure.

    Hope you guys enjoy :) hopefully i can use this to get a scripter status. lemme know if you have any problems, enjoy!


    added paint for xp / time tracking and fixed door opening bug from a distance.

    update: now drops axes and bones it accidentally picks up (should i make it have an option for burying accidentally picked up bones?)


    (17k xp per hour taken at level 30~) not bad for picking it up off the ground huh!



    • Like 2
  7. when submitting a script, I was told to only use root widgets for static id's, I dont know if i understand this completely. Can anyone elaborate on what this means.

    here is an example of me using a widget from the script.

    RS2Widget cookingWidget = getWidgets().get(270,14);
    		if(cookingWidget != null)
    			String[] availableActions = cookingWidget.getInteractActions();
    			for(String s: availableActions)
    						probablyMakingPies = true;


  8. i know stop() works, but i didnt want it to stop the script. It would probably work for now. and i could create my own method by why have the method in the client in the first place if it doesnt work. im checking to see if its somehow related to how im calling it. 


    ANSWER: I feel dumb. Instead of returning the true or false return value it was just returning false.

    but now the problem is that it will not pause the script after calling "pause();" (i need it to stay logged out instead of just instantly logging back in)

  9. hello, im trying to logout when an enemy is seen. i can get to the log out function but when i call the code nothing happens.

    this is what im calling.


    //logs out then pauses the script

    anyone got any ideas?

  10. 7 minutes ago, Theorems said:

    where you using sleepWhile or sleepUntil ? Those are conditional sleeps as far as i'm aware.

    edit: actually that's from another api I think osbot uses conditionalSleep()

    	new ConditionalSleep(5000) {
              public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
                return myPlayer().isUnderAttack();


    ahhh, i was not doing this. so this will sleep for 5000 millisecond if the player is under attack? may i ask what the .sleep() is doing in this example?

  11. Hello, I have been trying to upload my first script for a while now but I dont really know what step of the process I am in.I have git access, I made a directory for my scripts according to how the guide does it, and commited and pushed a script. That was a while ago and i havent really seen any feedback. I'm guessing i messed up the process somewhere but I am wondering if there is any way i can tell what i did wrong. I think it said something about not asking the admins about updates constantly so I hope this isnt against the rules its just been over a week and ive heard nothing,is this normal. 

  12. ive made 10m in the past week from selling apple pies and pie shells. you have to wait for someone who wants pies to buy them. look at graphs from rsbuddy or ge tracker to see the prices

    (obviously the prices will go down to meet the new flood of pies but i need to upload a script and its free, and hey if the pies go down in price it will be the cheapest and fastest cooking xp in game.)


  13. I submitted an upload to the sdn and was hoping it would be up for free soon. Should I put up the jar file for people to download?



    heres the code if anyone wants. 

    import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    @ScriptManifest(author = "roguehippo", info = "roguehippos uncooked pie maker", name = "Pie Maker", version = 0, logo = "")
    public class main extends Script {
    	String pie = "";
    	int withdrawNum = 0;
    	HashMap<String , String[]> pieMap;
    	HashMap<String, Integer[]> specialMap;
    	String[] ingredients;
    	Area bankArea;
    	int piesMade = 0;
    	Date startTime;
    	//this variable is going to be used to hopefully fix a minor issue in which we wait atleast 1 second each iteration of the script.
    	//we will use this to make a general time when waiting one second is ok (checking to see if the pies are being made currently)
    	boolean probablyMakingPies = false;
    	public void onStart() {
    		log("Welcome to roguehippos unfinished pie maker");
    		log("If you experience any issues while running this script please report them to me on the forums.");
    		log("Enjoy the script!");
    		startTime = new Date();
    		//names of possible pies
    		Object[] pieOptions = {"Pie shell","Redberry pie", "Meat pie", "Mud pie", "Apple pie", "Garden pie", "Fish pie", "Botanical pie", "Admiral pie", "Wild pie", "Summer pie"};
    		//this where they choose the pie
    		pie = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
    				null, "Choose the pie to make",
    		        "roguehippo's uncooked pie maker",
    		        pieOptions, // Array of choices
    		        pieOptions[0]); // Initial choice
    		while(pie == "")
    			//while they are chosing which pie to select.
    		ingredients = pieMap.get(pie);
    		log("you have chosen to make: " + pie);
    		log("your ingredients are: ");
    		for(String s: ingredients)
    	private enum State {
    	private State getState() {
    		if (shouldMakePie())
    			return State.MAKE;
    		if (shouldBank())
    			return State.BANK;
    		return State.WAIT;
    	public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    		switch (getState()) {
    		case MAKE:
    		case BANK:
    		case WAIT:
    		return random(200, 300);
    	public void onExit() {
    		log("Thanks for running my Pie Maker!");
    		log("you made: " + String.valueOf(piesMade)+ "pies!");
    		log("you botted for " + getTimeSpent());
    	public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
    		g.fillRect(2, 340, 175, 60);
    		g.drawString("roguehippos Pie Maker", 5, 350);
    		g.drawString("Pies Made:" + piesMade, 5, 365);
    		g.drawString("Time Spent: " + getTimeSpent(), 5, 380);
    	//the green cross that shows the mouse.
    	public void mouse(Graphics2D g)
    		Point mp = getMouse().getPosition();
    		g.drawLine((int)mp.getX() - 10,(int)mp.getY(),(int)mp.getX() + 10,(int)mp.getY() );
    		g.drawLine((int)mp.getX(), (int)mp.getY() - 10, (int)mp.getX(), (int)mp.getY() + 10);
    	//determines if we should make pies.
    	private boolean shouldMakePie()
    		boolean retval = false;
    		if(definitelyNotMakingPies() && isSpecialPie()  )
    			String ingred1 = ingredients[2];
    			String ingred2 = ingredients[3];
    			Integer[] parts = specialMap.get(pie);
    			int part1 = parts[0];
    			int part2 = parts[1];
    			log("looking for ingredient combo");
    				log("found normal ingredients");
    				retval = true;
    			if( inventory.contains(parts[0]) && inventory.contains(ingredients[2]))
    				log("found first part of pie");
    				retval = true;
    			if(inventory.contains(parts[1]) && inventory.contains(ingredients[3]))
    				log("found second part of pie");
    				retval = true;
    		else if(invContainsAll(ingredients) && definitelyNotMakingPies() )
    			retval = true;
    		return retval;
    	//the function to actually make the pies
    	//involves checking if the bank is open, opens it if its not,
    	public void makePie()
    		//special pie exceptions
    		if(getWidgets().isVisible(270, 14))
    			RS2Widget cookingWidget = getWidgets().get(270,14);
    			String[] availableActions = cookingWidget.getInteractActions();
    			for(String s: availableActions)
    						probablyMakingPies = true;
    		else if(isSpecialPie())
    			Integer[] sIL = specialMap.get(pie);
    		else if(inventory.isItemSelected())
    				if(inventory.interact("Use", ingredients[1]))
    					RS2Widget chatbox =getWidgets().get(162,30);
    					probablyMakingPies = true;
    	private boolean shouldBank()
    		boolean retval = false;
    		if(!isSpecialPie() && !invContainsAll(ingredients))
    				retval = true;
    			else if(canSeeBanker())
    				retval = true;
    			else if(canSeeChest())
    				retval = true;
    			Integer[] sIL = specialMap.get(pie);
    			int[] partNums = Arrays.stream(sIL).mapToInt(Integer::intValue).toArray();
    			if((!inventory.contains(ingredients[0]) && !inventory.contains(ingredients[1])) &&
    					(!inventory.contains(ingredients[2]) && !inventory.contains(partNums[0])) &&
    					(!inventory.contains(ingredients[3]) && !inventory.contains(partNums[1]) ))
    				log("banking when special pie");
    				retval = true;
    		return retval;
    	public void bank()
    		probablyMakingPies = false;
    				RS2Object booth = getObjects().closest("Bank booth");
    					Date startTimerDate = new Date();
    					while(!bank.isOpen() && lessThanXSeconds(startTimerDate,new Date(),4))
    						mySleep(100, 250);
    			else if(canSeeBanker())
    				NPC banker = getNpcs().closest("Banker");
    					Date startTimerDate = new Date();
    					while(!bank.isOpen() && lessThanXSeconds(startTimerDate,new Date(),4))
    						mySleep(100, 250);
    				RS2Object chest = getObjects().closest("Bank chest");
    					Date startTimerDate = new Date();
    					while(!bank.isOpen() && lessThanXSeconds(startTimerDate,new Date(),4))
    						mySleep(100, 250);
    		else//if the bank is open
    			if(withdrawNum == 0)
    				log("setting withdraw num");
    				withdrawNum = 28 / ingredients.length;
    					piesMade += withdrawNum;
    			//get the amount we need for each ingredient
    			//step through the list of ingredients
    			for(String s : ingredients)
    				//checking if we should withdraw or deposit if we don't have the right amount of items.
    				int currentNumItem = (int)inventory.getAmount(s);
    				if(currentNumItem < withdrawNum)
    					int amountToWithdraw = withdrawNum - currentNumItem;
    					if(bank.withdraw(s, amountToWithdraw))
    				else if( currentNumItem > withdrawNum)
    					int amountToDeposit = currentNumItem - withdrawNum;
    					if(bank.deposit(s, amountToDeposit))
    	//making custom sleep to avoid ugly try catches everywhere
    	private void mySleep(int lowBound, int highBound)
    		try {
    		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
    	private void makePieMap()
    		pieMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
    		String[] rbp = {"Pie shell","Redberries"};
    		String[] meatPie = {"Pie shell","Cooked meat",};
    		String[] mudPie = {"Pie shell",	"Compost", "Bucket of water", "Clay"};
    		String[] ap = {"Pie shell", "Cooking apple"};
    		String[] gp = {"Pie shell",	"Tomato", "Onion", "Cabbage"};
    		String[] fp = {"Pie shell",	"Trout", "Cod", "Potato"};
    		String[] bp = {"Pie shell",	"Golovanova fruit top"};
    		String[] adp = {"Pie shell","Salmon", "Tuna", "Raw potato"};
    		String[] wp = {"Pie shell", "Raw bear meat", "Raw chompy", "Raw rabbit"};
    		String[] sp = {"Pie shell",	"Strawberry", "Watermelon", "Cooking apple"};	
    		String[] ps = {"Pie dish","Pastry dough"};
    		pieMap.put("Redberry pie" , rbp);
    		pieMap.put("Pie shell", ps);
    		pieMap.put("Meat pie",meatPie);
    		pieMap.put("Mud pie" , mudPie );
    		pieMap.put("Apple pie" , ap);
    		pieMap.put("Garden pie" , gp);
    		pieMap.put("Fish pie" , fp);
    		pieMap.put("Botanical pie" ,bp );
    		pieMap.put("Admiral pie" ,adp );
    		pieMap.put("Wild pie" , wp);
    		pieMap.put("Summer pie" , sp);
    	private void makeSpecialMap()
    		specialMap = new HashMap<String, Integer[]>();
    		Integer[] mp = {7164,7166};
    		Integer[] gp = {7172,7174};
    		Integer[] fp = {7182,7184};
    		Integer[] ap = {7192,7194};
    		Integer[] wp = {7202,7204};
    		Integer[] sp = {7212,7214};
    		specialMap.put("Meat pie", mp);
    		specialMap.put("Garden pie", gp);
    		specialMap.put("Fish pie", fp);
    		specialMap.put("Admiral pie", ap);
    		specialMap.put("Wild pie", wp);
    		specialMap.put("Summer pie", sp);
    	private boolean invContainsAll(String[] ingrediantList)
    		boolean retval = true;
    		//step through the ingrediant list.
    		for(int i = 0; i < ingrediantList.length; i++)
    			//if the inventory does not contain the ingrediant we need, set the return value to false
    				retval = false;
    				//break because we know we need to bank at the first sign of missing ingrediant.
    		return retval;
    	private boolean invContainsAll(Integer[] ingrediantList)
    		boolean retval = true;
    		//step through the ingrediant list.
    		for(int i = 0; i < ingrediantList.length; i++)
    			//if the inventory does not contain the ingrediant we need, set the return value to false
    				retval = false;
    				//break because we know we need to bank at the first sign of missing ingrediant.
    		return retval;
    	private boolean lessThanXSeconds(Date oldDate, Date newDate, int timer)
    		boolean retval = false;
    		double milliseconds = newDate.getTime() - oldDate.getTime();
    		int seconds = (int)(milliseconds / 1000);
    		if(seconds < timer)
    			retval = true;
    		return retval;
    	private boolean definitelyNotMakingPies()
    		log("checking if we are making pies.");
    		boolean retval = true;
    		int numItems = 28 - getInventory().getEmptySlotCount();
    		Date beforeLoop = new Date();
    		int currentAmount; 
    			return retval;
    		while(lessThanXSeconds(beforeLoop, new Date(),2))
    			currentAmount = 28 - getInventory().getEmptySlotCount();
    			if(numItems != currentAmount)
    				log("breaking ");
    				retval = false;
    		return retval;
    	private boolean canSeeBanker()
    		boolean retval = false;
    		NPC banker = getNpcs().closest("Banker");
    		if(banker != null && banker.isVisible())
    			retval = true;
    		return retval;
    	private boolean canSeeChest()
    		boolean retval = false;
    		RS2Object chest = getObjects().closest("Bank chest");
    		if(chest != null && chest.isVisible())
    			retval = true;
    		return retval;
    	private boolean canSeeBooth()
    		boolean retval = false;
    		RS2Object booth = getObjects().closest("Bank booth");
    		if(booth != null && booth.isVisible())
    			retval = true;
    		return retval;
    	private boolean listContainsString(String[] list, String string)
    		boolean retval = false;
    		for(String s: list)
    				retval = true;
    		return retval;
    	private void checkBankForIngredients()
    		for(String s: ingredients)
    			int ingredientAmount = (int)bank.getAmount(s);
    			if(ingredientAmount < withdrawNum)
    				log("not enough ingredients  (" + s + ")");
    				log("stopping script");
    	private String getTimeSpent()
    		long millis = new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime();
    		long second = (millis / 1000) % 60;
    		long minute = (millis / (1000 * 60)) % 60;
    		long hour = (millis / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24;
    		return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second);
    	private boolean isSpecialPie()
    		boolean retval = false;
    		String[] specialPies = {"Fish pie","Garden pie","Admiral pie", "Wild pie", "Summer pie", "Mud pie"};
    		for(String s: specialPies)
    				retval = true;
    		return retval;
    	private void makeSpecialPie(Integer[] sIL)
    		//if an item is not selected
    				inventory.interact("Use", ingredients[0]);
    			else if(inventory.contains(sIL[0]) && inventory.contains(ingredients[2]))
    			else if(inventory.contains(sIL[1]) && inventory.contains(ingredients[3]))
    				inventory.interact("Use", ingredients[3]);
    		else//if an item is selected
    			//if we selected the first part of the pie
    				if(inventory.interact("Use", ingredients[1]))
    			//if we selected the second part of the pie
    			else if(inventory.getSelectedItemName().equals(ingredients[2]))
    				if(inventory.interact("Use", sIL[0]))
    			else if(inventory.getSelectedItemName().equals(ingredients[3]))
    				if(inventory.interact("Use", sIL[1]))
    			//if we selected a wrong item.



  14. Hey there everyone, im making this post to announce a new script im releasing in order to hopefully have something on the sdn to become a scripter I and II. 

    it is a very profitable method in both f2p and p2p . I know the prices will crash but when the market is good it is easy to make like 500k+ an hour in f2p making apple pies or pie shells. In p2p the uncooked pie prices can get pretty high when looking at the higher pies. They are mostly used for the bake pie lunars spell so if the price ever goes down low enough bake pie bots will be great. the limiting factor here is that you can only but 500 pie dishes every 4 or 6 hours so you need multiple accounts buying those if u want to make a lot of gp.


    Combines ingredients to form any pie members and non members!

    ~1800 pies / hr (2 ingredient pies)

    Banks and logs out when you cant get a full inv of ingredients.





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