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Posts posted by Essex

  1. I never get any other bans than permanent ones. No idea why. Back in the day when 07scape was new I got a lot of 2 day bans... even a 14 day after that..



    Depends what you doing i think? Ive never had a 2 day ban on 07 always a perm ban :3



    The severity of the offence determines what type of ban it will be, however it's extremely possible that the age of the account has an affect on what ban you'll receive. 



    I always get the perm-ban







    This was what I used to get, but the last 2 are perms lol.

  2. Depends what you doing i think? Ive never had a 2 day ban on 07 always a perm ban :3



    I never get any other bans than permanent ones. No idea why. Back in the day when 07scape was new I got a lot of 2 day bans... even a 14 day after that..



    On several account's ive had 2 days, That's why with Pkers I was just botting them until 2 day bans and playing them until i was bored lol, Now it seems it's just perms!

  3. Hi guys, So recently (about 3 weeks ago) I got banned on an ironman I was botting only a few hours a day, It was a 2 day ban as have alot of mine been.



    The start of this week I started doing rock crabs with perfect crabs script on an account that was a month old with No prior botting it was perm banned after 4 hours of rock crabs.


    So I looked on one of my throw away accounts to see If I could get a 2 day ban by doing something else, So I cut Willow logs for 2 hours 30 minutes (account hadn't been used in ages) Logged in the next day fine, 10 minutes later Logged out for a Perm ban no prior offences, Do you guys reckon this is an IP thing or just them cracking down? I cant see how especially my pure botting rock crabs would be Gold farming just petty stats.

  4. Ok, So I started a brand new account on my new laptop to test out this Mirror mode, I've had my laptop around 2 weeks I have OSbot and OSbuddy (for my main) I Haven't ever botted my main and have all my cash



    On my pure I have Recently used MysteryAgility for 35 Agility (yesterday) and ApaAlcher (today) .. Not for extended periods, Im not banned Etc no message from JaGeX and when I spoke on forums they said I was accessed by a 3rd party, Upon checking my G.E history my pure's alch's were sold for 74m, So Im guessing it's one of these two script's could have been corrupted or that the account manager has been leaked? 

  5. Hi i bought it on the forum but it hasn't come on my repository, Ill try reloading see if that helps?



    EDIT: Reloaded it's there... And bot is running to crabs as we speak.

  6. Getting this for some reason just bought the script, Brought 27 sharks with me 1 free invent slot as I didn't bring a tab could this be a reason??
    [ERROR][bot #1][02/21 07:52:31 PM]: Error in bot executor!
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.distance(Lorg/osbot/rs07/api/map/Position;)I
    at Main.mainclass.F(g:925)
    at Main.mainclass.onLoop(g:1167)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(pn:209)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [iNFO][bot #1][02/21 07:52:45 PM]: New screenshot saved to: C:/Users/user/OSBot/Data/screenshots/screenshot_1.png
    [DEBUG][bot #1][02/21 07:52:46 PM]: Applet resize : (775, 513)
    [iNFO][bot #1][02/21 07:53:20 PM]: Terminating script APA Rock Crabs...

    Just banked got cammy tabs working so far thanks man

    It's ended itself again..

  7. Idk if it's exactly on your pricipal as you call it but when I left 6 years ago we did alot of shit.. We put fresh fish up in the ceilings which basically in our school you were able to push the blocks up.. So we hid around 10 fish near ventilation systems, We let off fire alarms and did loads of stupid shit for a fun last day.. After we left we heard from some of our younger friends that the smell around the school was hideos and it took them months to find them all l0l

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