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Posts posted by SSJG

  1. Hey bud for the past 3 days I've used your script, works great, but I'm having one issue with it. After the script gets a full inventory of paydirt, it will deposit the dirt into the hopper and wait for someone to repair the wheels, Do I need to set the bot up with a hammer or is it just messing up for me. If the wheels are't fixed it will stand there until someone fixes them.

    Another thing, I received a 1 day ban after getting 30-71 mining, I have the script break every hour for 20 minutes so I have no idea how I got caught, and I'm also using mirror client.

  2. Release notes:


    • Fixed issue where bot would crash for most linux users while loading stream library
    • Fixed scrolling via mouse wheel (resolves many issues such as bank withdraw one)
    • Fixed certain special keys such as tab on login screen
    • Greatly improved sync between gcs of both jvms - this should resolve issues where mirror gets buggy/slow/crashes after running for some time.
    • Miscellaneous other bugfixes


    MAC/LINUX users please note:


    Mirror mode was originally designed for windows, and is optimized the most for it.

    And while it's now supported on OS X & LINUX - the performance of it is best when used on windows.


    How do I download mirror mode?

    Having trouble loading mirror mode, the message keeps popping up.


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