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  2. Just now figured out that using vertices count is the way to go. The birds that appear add to your vertices count, bumping it up by 42. Set your starting vertices count in onStart. Then you can check if stunned by comparing it against your current vertex count. Something like... // When player is stunned their vertices count goes up by ~42. // Get baseline vertices when idle to determine when stunned. MidStunUtil.approxVerticesCountStunned = myPlayer().getModel().getVerticesCount() + 42; public static boolean isPlayerStunned() { return approxVerticesCountStunned - globalMethodProvider.myPlayer().getModel().getVerticesCount() <= 5; } I used to use player height (normal ~ 198, stunned ~ 240) but that doesn't work if player is wielding certain items like a staff that increases your height over 240. Checking animation also is a nogo, The animation id flips back to -1 before the stun ends. So you wouldn't be able to ConditionalSleep until unstunned. Player hp is also bad, what if dodgy necklace procs?
  3. RuneScapeServices is URGENTLY looking for new workers! Join our discord or visit us over at runescapeservices.com!
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