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  1. Past hour
  2. can you enable run usage please it just walks everywhere
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done added all trials enjoy @nocapture I made over 5B with rogue chests it's insanely crazy since jagex buffed them recently. The setup I am using is: Blighted super restore(4) because they are cheaper than prayer potions and heal more. Also invokes enabled, and this will work well. I also recommend moving death spawn point to Ferox Enclave (costs 5m) but it speeds up runs significantly
  4. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    I thought i had but there was a report yesterday in discord saying magic and ranging pots are not working so currently having a closer look My discord has an auto trial bot
  5. RuneScapeServices is URGENTLY looking for new workers! Join our discord or visit us over at runescapeservices.com!
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